Single O - the best start to the day

So Single Origin Roasters won best barista and got 3 cups etc, hooray! And for some reason I figured, it is incredibly weird that I have never ordered a macchiato from them, but then again I don't really understand the way the drink is supposed to work. I have, however, come to appreciate single origin espressos because they are awesome!I usually get my single o's from Workshop, and I'm used to the way the serve it up - a little on the heavy side but still amazing. They also know who I am now and say hi, but the funny thing is that they only really started to get to know me after I started ordering the espressos. It's always a challenge to try and squeeze in the shot after work as that grinder usually gets cleaned way before they close.Anyway, today I went to Single Origin, just because, with a plan to order a macchiato. However I didn't want to order one unless there was someone else ordering a milk drink for fear of wasting milk. However, everything turned out better than expected when: I took a look at their single O and it was Yirgacheffe grade 2 washed (not that I'm entirely sure exactly what this means), so immediately figured I'll get it as an espresso. The barista went straight to work on this and I heard the grinder go... multiple times. There was a lot of noise made and time spent on this, and I was really excited as I'd only previously read about people describing the dialling of the grinder and testing the shots. There were at least 2 shots that went down and I assume it was because they were calibrating and making sure it was good to go, and therefore I concluded that they were making the first single o order for the day. I felt special!After a good 5 minutes or so at this grinding sinking thing, they finally presented me with the cup. And wow I didn't expect it to be so light and bright and tasty! It was a huge contrast from any Workshop Espresso espresso I'd had (admittedly I have not had a Yirgacheffe from there) and made me very happy. Not to mention I managed to grab a chocolate donut as well, and they were super nice and gave me the food and drink for $5! Apparently I had made an excellent choice.I still need to get myself some Clover and Slayer coffee one day tooooooooooo!CHICKEN


My brother's new camera


CHICKEN and coffee