Coffee cupping!

Dear diary,

Today I attended a coffee cupping for the first time in many years. I didn't even know it was on until the barista told me while I was having breakfast there. I used to try really hard to learn what coffees from different regions tasted like, but it all got too much and everything started tasting the same, so I took a step back and just enjoyed coffee for what it is instead of trying so hard.

Today, I realised that my tastesbuds, while being unable to describe exact tasting notes (same as always), are at least quite accurate at tasting out "good" coffees and matched some of the other baristas/roasters that attended the cupping.

The natural processed one was obviously naturally processed, full of winey fermenty goodness, while my favourite was considered an expensive coffee. I didn't pick out the geisha varietal though it did smell very, very good in its dry form and it kept lingering in the back of my mind. I also managed to match the host's assessment of the two least impressive coffees.

I should probably just be more confident in what I do because it seems that I still have the right kind of palate after all these years!

To more coffee,





Drawing spree