

It's been a long while since I last drew dragons. But I just finished Assassin's Fate and I love it! I have missed the Fool! The Fool is so cool! At first, when Fitz and the Fool came out as a series I was concerned because I liked the ending of the Tawny Man series as it was - I was afraid that an extra series might not be as satisfying. The fear of the anticlimactic end.

But wow.


She knew. She must have known - the ending could never have been anything else; of course it would happen the way it did. And it's so fitting, and I'm so happy! I think I need to read all of the Fool books again, and in order. That journey, so epic, so tragic, so wonderful, so happy, so sad, so alive.


The Fool, The Doctor, and the Girl with a Bazooka


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