Malthessine ft. the soul of a god


I don't even know the title of this work lol. I wanted it to be something like "remnants of a god" but I also wanted "soul of a god" but I didn't want "remnants of a soul of a god".

Also, that's not what I intended for Malthessine to hold, and that sure doesn't look like the soul of a god. I was just trying to redraw an old pic and sparkles cover anything I don't want to/can't draw.

I also don't remember her exact colour scheme, I was aiming for light grey hair. I'd also forgotten what colour her eyes are meant to be, so I guess they're purple now. I know I'm not too far off the original colours since she was always a bit purpley, I think her lance weapons are purple/silver.

Also, I guess since the "original" version of this picture is from 2014, this is Malthessine +8 years, even though I've drawn her a few times in between.

Oops I forgot her hair ribbons, oh well! That's what I get for doing this as a "quick sketch".




More homely aesthetic