Fish God


Ah MoonEye! The hardest to draw of all my "first" characters. This is technically MoonEye + 18 years, here's when I last felt I had a proper drawing of him:

I upgraded him from a wizard robe to a kimono, but even then I wasn't happy with all my attempts to draw him. It wasn't until I decided to add a haori a few days ago that finally I thought I could get something good, and I did!

But I still didn't have a pattern in mind, so I just went with fish scales for now. The haori on the other hand, I do like the patterning - even though it's vastly different from the original photo, the leaves are meant to be the same as those from the trees in the Land of Falling Caterpillars!


Coffee Break (in the park)


Freik, Demonic Guardian