Monthly Archives: April 2013

Timeless Chaos

What if there was no time, that everything is “now” and anything that happened in the past is an artificial memory, and that this memory is constantly recreating itself at every moment, so that hypothetically a second ago, you could have been an alien on a warpath? But you’d never know because now you’re you and your memories are a construction of who you are now, so that really you could “have” been anything and everything at any given time.

And dreams are glimpses to what you were, as reality constantly jumps and shifts around. And since everything in your mind is a fabrication, it means the future you want won’t be the same future you want in your next moment, so future loses meaning and ceases to be a concept – it really is just everything all at once, and that’s dealing with no Time.

So you might ask, where does the memory come from, and how is it constructed? The answer is entropy. For you to exist, you must have a memory to cushion your sense of being, and the possibility of the memory must be plausible, falling back to the saying “the simplest answer is the most likely solution.” If it’s not plausible, then of course your mind wouldn’t comprehend and therefore implode, and what is the simplest answer but the concept of lowest entropy as a stable state.

And that, my friend, is the essence of chaos.

The theory works because it’s the exact opposite of a Void, and a Void is what happens on an imbalance towards Good. Chaos is the imbalance towards Evil but it’s essentially the same because instead of nothing happening, everything is happening and the net result is still no change.

So if you ever wonder what life actually boils down to and why we’re all here, I can only suggest to you, why not?

Shinies + burger

So it turns out it’s not a good idea to watch a lot of shows with men in shiny suits, because spending money on suits as a hobby turns out to be really, really expensive! It also means I’ve acquired skills that I can’t really use myself. It turns out there are only 85 ways to tie a tie, so I should learn what the shorthand means and memorise them all, not.

So here’s a shiny dump plus a gigantic burger called the Big Moo from Moo Burgers. I wish I had better lighting but THIS IS ALL YOU GET.

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