Monthly Archives: January 2017

DeLish Expo!

I’m so totally poor, but here I am, still doing food and coffee things. If it makes me feel any better, I did pre-pay for these tickets when I was also poor! The earlybird tickets were only $10, and there was going to be a latte art competition, so why not. It’s an excuse to take pictures if nothing else.

There were actually quite a few coffee stalls, and one was doing espressos and piccolos for free! I was lured in by a nitro cold brew sample, but since I don’t like cold coffees, I decided to try out a pic, for a nice pic.

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Hand in Hand

I dunno about the title… but I didn’t want to call it Obsession because I want that for another pic that I haven’t drawn yet.

Malthessine and Frenzy

And that’s the end of that. My year of busy-ness starts now, so I don’t know how often I will post from now on!