There’s a lot of errors in here, but I’ve been trying to draw a kimono for years. So many years! And finally got something that remotely resembles one. Yes, Preaura does wear a kimono from time to time.
Deadly Patience
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There’s a lot of errors in here, but I’ve been trying to draw a kimono for years. So many years! And finally got something that remotely resembles one. Yes, Preaura does wear a kimono from time to time.
I’m sorry I messed up his mouth is really difficult to draw! And the rest of his face too… I seem to need two goes to start getting the hang of drawing real people!
I messed up the face this time…. eyes are different sizes so it fails the reverse test. But hey I’m drawing so that’s progress!! Plus guys are harder to draw unless I’m studying a real person, at which points they are easier to draw than girls… haha
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