Tag Archives: i love coffee

Aunty Pegs by PMC, with a side of Patricias


In  an effort to publish this, I will simply include Aunty Pegs (the coolest black coffee shop ever) and Patricia’s (cause it’s so pretty). I would also include the ceiling shot of Brother Baba Budan… but then I might not ever get around to posting this. Here goes nothing!

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Neighbourhood BSM – 2016

I am determined to post these!!! So here we go.

Neighbourhood by Sean McManus, a new cafe! Mr McManus is pretty awesome, so is this hole in the wall!

Here is a photo dump. Will probably never put words, but hey each picture is worth a thousand of them, right???

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Another Sydney coffee crawl

Since my Sydney visit was a pure foodie adventure, it was important that I drank lots of coffee, this time without almost dying from caffeine overdose. It was a combination of old and new!

Elbow Room espresso. Mecca’s Blackforest blend and a Pedro Moreno (Santa Barbara, Honduras) on filter.
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Behind the Machine

I visit Exchange so frequently that I think I can get away with a few things, though I do always ask nicely to make sure. Most of the time. I’ve always been envious of people who can take really cool shots at cafes, so I decided this was my best chance to do so too. I had the perfect excuse of testing out a new lens!

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Sydney Coffee Rush 2015

Yep, a rush, not a crawl. Though I couldn’t actually rush because I was a little too enthusiastic about coffee, and managed to poison myself on my very first day of adventure! That was not only embarrassing as I couldn’t finish a meal at my favourite soba restaurant, but also had to battle to not collapse in the middle of nowhere!

That aside, I think I will write this up by cafe in no order except in which they appear in my uploads!

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