Tag Archives: animals

Swan Valley, Rottnest adventures!

When life throws change, you catch it and run with it! I was originally supposed to go to Melbourne this December, but things decided to take a different turn, so instead of meeting my parents there, they flew over to Perth for a weekend. The biggest challenge was that I was instructed specifically not to involve food and coffee. Well… considering I know nothing else, what was I going to show my parents as “fun things to do in WA”?

A lot of what they wanted to do was undoable without a car – such as a Margaret River tour. However, I was lucky enough to discover a tour bus in the Swan Valley which could cover Caversham Wildlife Park as well as a wine and beer tour! That sounded like fun! My parents also wanted to “catch the famous Perth ferry” which I assumed was Rottnest since that’s what you take the ferry for as a tourist.

It turned out to be a great time, even with some last minute itinerary changes and my limited knowledge of how to do an actual “Perth tour” of Perth. Continue reading

Caversham Wildlife Park

I’m being kind of touristy, but it’s kind of fun. Managed to take a trip to a wildlife park, with a huge walk-in kangaroo enclosure as well as some other hands on attractions.

I ran around mainly with my 60mm lens, which is awesome for taking pictures of everything that isn’t food! It also has the added advantage of being able to shoot through fences, to an extent.

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