Tag Archives: death by coffee

Death by caffeine, Cronut Jenga

My friend visited Adelaide, and being foodies and all, plus the fact that I wanted to experience death by caffeine, lead to us going on a grand adventure of all things tasty.

Friday was super epic and involved trying to consume as many coffees as possible, so here was my list for the day, assuming one filter has more caffeine than espresso and therefore is more than “one coffee”:

Exchange Specialty Coffee: 1.5 filters

Please Say Please: 1 espresso

Coffee Branch: 1 espresso

Little Seeds Pop Up: 1 espresso

Argo on the Square: 1 piccolo

Hey Jupiter: 1 flat white

Total count in 1 day: approx 7 coffees! Woohoo!

We had an awesome moment of cronut jenga and kind of spilt sugar everywhere when our tower fell (twice!) but it was so fun, and the fallen cronut was still within the 3 second rule PLUS it ended up on my umbrella so it was still good. Very tasty, loved the texture because donut dough is too heavy, so croissant dough to make donuts is genius!

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