Tag Archives: i like milk

The thing about milk

Today at the shops, I noticed that Made By Cow has a second range out now. Their original release was pure jersey milk, but now they have one with a blue label.

What was interesting is that it was obviously different, but how so?

I read all of the label but I couldn’t seem to find any additional information about it, and it became a game of spot the difference. Finally, I noticed right at the bottom of the front label that is doesn’t say jersey – it just says milk. Aha! So this is their “normal” cow range. But here’s the plot twist: Made By Cow’s own label doesn’t specify the type of cow, but interestingly, the shop’s price label said “FRIESN”.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with friends not too long ago where some of them were saying how not all milks upset their stomach, but they weren’t sure why. Again, I realised how little we know about the food we consume. A2 milk has been a thing for a long time but do people actually know what it means? It’s just a different cow. Why don’t we sell milk by cow type? Yes it’s about maximising yield so you get mostly holstein milk with a small range of jersey, but there’s nothing else. Let’s generalise that even further – why are supermarkets still so boring? I want my french breakfast radishes, pine mushrooms, and lilly pillies.

Anyway… I like Baristart Coffee because they serve milk by cow breed.