Tag Archives: Made with Real Love and Violent

Made with Real, Love and Violent

La Syndra – Made with Real, Love and Violent

Sounds like a great clothing brand! RistrelReine, wear La Syndra. In fact that is such a good idea, I’ll make it! Or some variation thereof. Yeah.

“Food can taste ‘photoshopped’ when it’s not made with real, love and violent”

Best way to describe overprocessed or bad takeaway food. Yesssssss’

I love terrible Engrish taglines, because I am just so good at making them.

Also for the world of memes, an obscure in joke that in good time, will be but a distant memory, its meaning transformed from what it was into an epic story of monsters and war: “LIME HARVESTER? THEY’RE FOR GOING BACK IN TIME TO FETCH BUTTER OFF TREES”

That is all!

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