Tag Archives: playing games

Hades 32 Heat featuring EM4!

Hello 2024! Starting the year with a great gaming session. I resumed Hades to see if I could get more heat, but it turns out bounties stop at 20, so I thought, why not, let’s just go straight to 32 heat!

And to prove it wasn’t a fluke, I did it on two weapons, but I chose completely different options in the Pact of Punishment, since they play quite differently.

Now if only I could get the crystal ship in FTL: Faster Than Light!!

Nier: Automata

Is absolutely terrible to play on PC. But hey, at least now I have a PC that can run it! My 11 year old laptop was not coping at all.

It’s a fun game, but the controls on PC are awful. Even after installing a camera mod, I still get motion sickness when playing. At least it’s pretty!

And this quest lol. It’s ridiculous.