Couch Hogger
Ris being silly while Irutha is infinitely tolerant, even while her arm is totally squished. It's funny, I've tried to not have mobile phones in my drawings because I feel like it heavily dates the drawing to current times instead of some nondescript fantasy timeline but it just seemed right that she would be playing a phone game in that position, so here we are!
Yay it's finally done!
I thought my hand was totally going to die since I don't use a tablet enough to use it well; I keep death gripping the stylus and my hand was twitching uncontrollably.
I can't wait to go back to some pencil drawings and destroy my back instead!
The Ethereal set - Ristrel, Syndrafiel, Yverrine, Fool. I wasn't sure if I wanted a four character panel or more/less; when I was looking through my records, I had the option of adding Entropy (who I've never drawn, even in concept) and the Ethereal Angel (I forgot her name, it's too long and I never mention it), but I also didn't have design for her. So just the four main ones it was!
I drew each one separately so their heights and sizes aren't quite right, but the whole goal of this was to get a standalone yet flowing background for each of them, that was definitely fun to do!
Somm Night In
Whoops I forgot to actually upload this as soon as I'd finished it. I saw a photo of a master sommelier sniffing wine with his pinky in the air and it was so hilarious that I had to draw my own version of it, so Ris, Soulfear, and Freik took on their sommelier personas once again (this is the first time Freik gets to play somm!). Freik kind of got squished at the end though, and when I tried to redraw it to give him more space, I ran out of focus and the whole thing turned out terrible, so I stuck with this version.
Why did I give Freik a shot of whisky instead of partaking in the enjoyment of some barolo? I have no idea lol
Yverrine in colour + 5 years
Just a colour comparison in this post! The original Yverrine drawing pre-dates 2018 but I've been happy with the pencil versions through the years, so this is just reflecting on how she looks in colour, since these are the only two versions I have. I would still like her to have a few more leaves than what I drew in this time, but she lost the extra tendrils and leaves over the iterations of her design. I think in this case, simpler is better! She looks crosseyed in the 2023 colour, because I'm still bad with faces.
I managed to get more shine and saturation in compared to Ris' panel, but the wood armour is lacking depth and definition.
Maybe I'll get to work on her again in a few years!
Life the Ethereal | E T H E R E A L
Have I posted with a "Life the Ethereal" title before?
This one is technically called Life, the Ethereal, but I'm hoping it will be a four panel series with my other Ethereals! Am I ambitious? Yes I am, at the worst time too! I just started playing Hades again and it's a time sink and distracting me!