Food Food

My lovely lemon tree!

Last year my lemon plant gave me a single delicious lemon, so I was super excited and tentative when it made five lemons all in one go! I wasn't even sure that a plant in a pot could sustain so much fruit, but luckily I have both supermarket fertiliser and my special supply of pigeon-poop-water, lovingly provided by my pigeons, which I'm sure is the secret ingredient!

I've had to fight mealybugs the whole time, I think they've taken hold even though I don't see them very often - but when I do, they go squish! One of the lemons developed a defect in the super early stages of growth, so I knew to expect at least one imperfect lemon, but to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought! I only picked two for now, since they can stay on the tree for a bit.

I think this time they were more sour than last time? But still delicious! I love that I've gotten 6 lemons from my tree so far, I'm hoping this will be an annual thing, but I'm not the best with plants so we'll see!

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