Art Art

Stede in contemplation

Why is digital so hard, why do I like pencil better. But digital is the only way I can practice colour so it's such a painstaking process. Drawing hair is too much fun though. Painful fun.

And yeah, I totally fudged the shirt cause who cares about shirts! Flowery pink robe is where it's at, if only I could draw it XD

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Art Art

You make Stede happy

I'm not as happy with this one as the Ed side, capturing Rhys' likeness is much more difficult for me, but I did really want to draw both sides. I kind of rushed Ed's hair too! There is such thing as hair fatigue XD

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Art Art

I reckon what makes Ed happy is... you.

This was such an enjoyable picture to draw. Plus, I feel I finally got the likeness of Taika in this one; it's my best representation of likeness yet! Plus hair is so therapeutic to draw, like a soothing death kind of feeling. Also omg his hand. I loved drawing his hand. I can't imagine hands when I draw without reference so I'm so happy at how that turned out too!

I was super apprehensive about drawing this because my idol once complained about drawing kissing to be the biggest, messiest challenge ever, and I was so worried it would turn out like how she described it:

But, luckily, it turned out really well!

Hooray for believing in myself!

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