Home Cupping + Zumbo
Hallo!An interim post as I'm too lazy to actually put effort into making a blog about my Adelaide/Melbourne trip of caffeine.So in the meantime here is my attempt at home cupping without any instructions! Plus some obligatory Zumbo pictures :)
Basically I bought some Proud Mary Brazil CoE (can't remember which) in Melbourne, roasted on 18/10 - that's on the left. Then today I went to Reuben Hills and got some Kenya Nyeri, also roasted on 18/10 - that's on the right. Since I have no idea how to cupping (yes), I made it up by putting 7g of each in roughly 175mL water.
Ground them both, the Brazil was more aromatic - I couldn't smell much of the Kenya, but that may have also been because I ground it first - they were about a minute apart with my hand grinder.
Then I poured the water in, but I was sloppy as the only way I got both water levels round about the same was to first pour into my aeropress - so it was a violent pour, messing everything up and leaving me without much crust - so I probably ruined it. Oh well!
Cleared it up and started slurping! The reason why I tried it was because I couldn't really tell how the Kenyan tasted when I tried it today, and the last time I had the Brazil was yesterday. So when I had these side by side it was then obvious that the Kenyan was much more acidic while the Brazil was sweeter. Yay I had a mostly successful cupping! Hahahaha
Now here is some sugar