Galaxus Nexy

Hooray for the Galaxy Nexus!Finally got released today, so I decided to visit the (apparently) single Telstra store to go check the price of one. I was thinking about buying it online as I was worried the outright price would have been over $900, but I got a mostly pleasant surprise when I found out it was actually much cheaper than that.However, Telstra was quite fail, claiming they were incredibly busy that day -  when there seemed to be only one person "qualified"  to sell contracts to people. Everyone else was just a sales rep who couldn't actually tell me how long the warranty on my phone is. I'll quite safely assume it's one year. There was another person there who was after the Galaxy Nexus, and had apparently been waiting for half an hour to get his hands on one. Eventually he was ushered off to a dark corner to sign his life away, but luckily the sales people realised all I wanted to do was buy it outright, not sign a contract, so they said I could line up and talk to a lady who could do the "simple"  things.Overall, it took an absurdly long time to actually obtain my phone, and I have learned that at Telstra, buying a phone on contract involves the sales lady making at least 5 trips to a random small room behind the counter, and it takes 10 minutes to retrieve the phone itself.Once I got home I found my first gripe with the phone almost straight away - the plastic back panel takes ages to fit into place, because not every side clipped in properly. I never had that much difficulty with my old phone as being a Motorola Milestone, had a deadly metal back panel that slid off. This one was bendy and flimsy feeling, so I hope I don't need to take off the cover too often. It's also way way waaaaay lighter, so much so that I almost wonder if there's a super heavy cover I can get for it, as I would prefer my phone to be capable of breaking someone's skull should I need to throw it.The other thing that I'm sure I'll get used to is the fact that everything is the wrong way around. The volume rocker is on the right instead of left, the headphone jack is on the bottom instead of the top, the power button is to the right rather than on top, and the micro USB port is on the bottom instead of the right. What sorcery is this! XDApart from that, I'm looking forward to playing with it, customising it and generally not having it freeze and crash on me like my old phone. I also hope the headphone jack doesn't die, but that is probably wishing for too much, as,  just like peaches and fuji apples, I appear to be cursed with these things and they always fail me, let me down, almost kill me, rot, etc.



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