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Hades 2 early access

Spoilers ahead!

Ok, so I wasn't supposed to buy early access; I originally wanted to wait till full release and then take leave from work to binge on the game, but fate had other ideas. I one day accidentally opened Steam, then scrolled down the front page, accidentally saw a Hades 2 video, accidentally watched it, then accidentally purchased it...

Perfect timing though, the Christmas break was perfect for having a hardcore gaming session! First Windblown, now Hades 2! So epic, I haven't had a session like this in ages!

It's a bit difficult to compare Windblown to Hades 2 since they're about 6 months apart in regards to development, but my goodness Hades 2 has so. much. more. content!!! It's way more involved than original Hades, it's same same but very different - so enjoyable! It also turns out that almost 1000 hours in Dead Cells and a reply of Hades 1 way back when to achieve 32 heat really paid off; it was much easier to beat the game faster, which actually had an odd effect of making collecting materials for upgrades much more of a grind!

Anyways here are some victory screenshots including a personal best so far of 12 heat on Chronos:

Also, Prometheus is difficult. I found it extremely hard to increase the difficulty because he just sticks on you almost all the time, and I don't deal well with that without a shield (once I took 900 damage from just him!!). But, 4 Fear is good enough for now and I'll keep working on him until they release the final boss on the Surface.

And of course the romance! I started with Nemesis exclusively but then I decided Moros was pretty good looking too, so I expect that I'll get another trio romance! Leaving Dora for now cause shades aren't my thing XD

I can't wait to see what achievements they release when the game is done, cause that'll be another grind session to get them all!

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Windblown early access

I never thought I'd decide to play any game early access. I'm gonna wait out Hades 2 for full release. However, one day I opened up Steam and there just happened to be a livestream of Windblown and I'm like here, take my money....

It's so much fun! It'll be interesting to see how the game changes over the next year! I am loving the different font sizes of cray yelling haha.

Now I'm finally on Cataclysmic difficulty! And I got what's apparently the rarest skin in the game so far, Project 2501!

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Brahms' Splendour

Wooow! This has been my favourite concert so far this year! I remember when I first heard Brahms' violin concerto, I was like, it's nice. But then the more I listened to it the more it grew on me and got stuck in my head quite often too.

And my goodness, seeing it performed in real life is nothing like hearing a recording on trashy computer speakers! There is so much more definition when the entire orchestra is in front of you! And so many things I didn't know - I am actually so bad at explaining this but in the third movement, I didn't realise there was a bit where the first violins actually don't play a few notes that I thought they did! They alternated with another section but I was totally clueless haha.

The other thing about having listened to it only when doing other things was that I had no idea there was a cadenza and I was like, where is this? Am I supposed to know what this part is?

I really need to keep listening and studying so that I actually understand what's going on!

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Mahler 8

Another concert! I'm really enjoying all this culture stuff!

This time it was Mahler 8, and I had no idea it'd have so many vocals; I'm so ignorant! It turned out to be absolutely fantastic though, the choirs (yes, there was more than one!) were amazing, and the soloist singers just had the most amazing projection!

It was also epic in that there were two harps, why would any symphony require two harps lol.

I think I'll definitely keep an eye out for more riveting performances next year, I still have some to go for the rest of this year!

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