Burj Khalifa

Ah, the Burj Khalifa. It stands out so much in Dubai due to its sheer height, especially in contrast with the neighbouring buildings. I admit I underestimated the number of visitors somewhat, as I was surprised when the 7PM tickets were sold out by the time my session had started at 5PM, but I'm very glad that I bought the tickets in the morning to secure a trip to the top.I was a little concerned when I first landed that it was a cloudy day, however it cleared up quite well, but I couldn't quite figure out why visibility was still lower than I liked - and realised that it was the sand in the distance that made everything look smoggy. Either way, I was looking forward to take pictures as I read that it was an open air observation deck.And there is a mini model of it in the hallway! Because I had purchased a Sky ticket (the one that takes you to 148), we were first ushered into a waiting room where we were provided with snacks and coffee. It was a really nice spiced coffee that was served in a tiny cup, much like those in tea ceremonies. We then learned that the lift up to 125 was also the highest and fastest lift in the world. All the records! From 125 there was a separate lift to 148, where we were then greeted with more snacks and juice.Obligatory upward shot. I couldn't help but think "you are being watched" while I was taking this one.It's amazing how different the city looks from different sides of the tower. The bright, striking blue of the canal of downtown Dubai contrasts so much with the random towers and mostly desert on every other side. I had a great time attempting panorama shots too, but the view from here was just too much for the camera to capture!And then of course, the sunset. One of the less spectacular sunsets I've seen as a result of the dust in the horizon, and made it very difficult to get a good shot. So instead, I waited for the lights to come on - and that's when I learned there was a fountain performance every half hour!To get all the shots of the water I saw the performance 3 times - the first time I didn't realise what was happening, so everyone else took the best vantage points for the photos. I had to camp the spot for another half hour to finally get my turn, then once more for the outdoor shots after dinner.Speaking of dinner, I had my eye on a Lebanese restaurant inside the mall. I was still seeking the flavours of South Africa, and I figured that a Lebanese restaurant would also satisfy my urge to not have familiar, modern/contemporary/Japanese/French tendencies. It was then that I saw a chicken shawarma on the menu, something I hadn't had in Cape Town even though there was plenty of opportunity. I actually had no idea what I was ordering, but it came out quite quickly and it turns out it was like kebab shaved meat! This was presented on a bed of hummus and accompanied with olives and what I can only describe as puffy flatbread? It was very thin, but had puffed up while cooking.I considered the knife and fork for only the smallest moment, before figuring this was best eaten with hands. The puffy flatbread easily opened in half for me to spoon the shawarma in and eat it with my hands. The olives had pits, so I ate them separately. The chicken was a little dry, but I managed to eat most of it!Once I was done, I was very glad I had eaten it with hands, because another waiter came over and handed me a towel. She then proceeded to hand a towel to another diner, so I assumed this was normal, which lead me to the conclusion I had eaten the food properly. I'm very particular about keeping my hands clean, but there's just a great satisfaction in eating with hands!And so ended my 1 day Dubai adventure, and I could feel my body struggling as I had been awake for far too long. Not only had I underestimated the time it would take to exit Dubai airport in the morning, I had also underestimated how late I'd stay out, which meant that I now had no chance of sleep until the plane ride - at which point I fell asleep during the safety demonstration! I was barely conscious for takeoff.It was definitely a fulfilling visit and I'd definitely take the time to explore more leisurely and thoroughly next time, and definitely spent a fortune at Fortnum & Mason!For now, it's back to being able to cook for myself and catching up with my local baristas and enjoying the oh so good coffee!  


Why is the squid blue?!?


Farewell Cape Town, Hello Dubai, Welcome Home