Dreams of planes on boats and then some

So I have very frequent vivid dreams,and last night I had one too! I used to blog about all my epic dreams, but stopped after I realised how time consuming it was. But everyone asks if I have a dream diary, and I said no. So I will try and maintain one this year. That being said, I don't really get superpower/save the world dreams anymore, so that saddens me a little. Those were the best! Anyways...First one I remember for 2017 happened last night, here it is:It started with me on board a large plane bound for overseas, not sure where, possibly Asia or America. At a guess it would have been a 2/4/2 seating arrangement since my brother was sitting next to me (but I don't recall there being another seat or person next to him). As we were being taxied, I noticed that the plane was actually on a very large boat - especially as I could see the sea around us. I would describe the boat as a naval kind of boat - very bland looking as it had to have enough room to include a plane and a runway. However, if I looked up, there were so many excited people looking out from windows, as if the boat was actually a cruise liner. They were all watching and cheering at this plane I was on.This plane was also see through; I wasn't restricted to just peering out of a tiny window. In fact, I was on a whole, intact plane, but I could see ahead of me, to my left side, and down, just fine. It was as if the other passengers (apart from my brother) and the rest of the plane (apart from our seats) were invisible.Two things then occurred to me: I had run out of anti travel sickness medication, so I asked my brother if he has any (since he needs them more than me; I don't really suffer travel sickness but prevention is better than cure, so I always take a tablet these days), but he didn't have any either. I wasn't too worried. What did concern me, however, was how our massive plane was going to take off from this ship. As the taxi ended and we were on our own, I was really hoping we wouldn't fly and crash.We sped up towards takeoff, but not significantly so. In fact, we were going so slowly that I thought we wouldn't have the speed to lift. But we did, and at a really low angle, I wasn't sure we were going to clear anything, especially that pole that was in the path of the right wing (which I could see, but from an external point of view, as if I was looking at the plane from the outside). I had nothing to worry about though - that pole was designed to not interfere with takeoff, and it was flexible and simply bowed to let the plane pass. As the plane rose ever so slowly, I leaned over, peered over my feet (which were in these black toeless shoes, almost like sandals but not quite because I knew the rest of the shoe was enclosed) and could see people still smiling and watching us. We were so close to them though! I thought we were going to crash back down but the lift continued until we were safely in the skies.At that point I finally relaxed and sat back, and was wholly in a plane again, without the invisible walls. I was able to walk around the plane since it was quite roomy, and noticed a person I know from dance sitting in a seat, so I had a chat. He presented to me a leather portfolio (with the little coloured flag stickers on it too - you know, those little markers you used back in high school/university). He also all of a sudden had really nice wavy, light, flowy, shoulder length luscious blonde hair? (not in real life though) and I got to run my fingers through it? Yeah that's a bit creepy. But hey, it happened in my dream.After that I figured I wanted to go to a cafe... so the scene changed, and I ended up in the streets of Adelaide. I was in the suburbs in somewhere I didn't recognise at all. I walked for a bit, knowing I wanted a cafe that I would enjoy (and hopefully be recognised at), but after walking for a bit and past a busy 4 way intersection, I realised that I wouldn't make it in time to catch my connecting flight (which was due to leave at 2PM that day). At the same time, I was consciously aware of the fact that me not being on a plane right now wasn't right, because I didn't have a ticket for the connecting flight; I was meant to be on that same one until I reached my destination.Once I'd realised that, the scene changed yet again, and this time I was with some really old man with greying hair, and while he looked like the dance person I mentioned earlier, this person was different and supposedly a relative of mine who wanted to talk to me. By that, I ended up at a very fancy restaurant (which I feel, rather than recall, was in Sydney, at the harbour looking out at the bridge, but was not a real restaurant) with dark red carpet and traditional round tables that seated 4-10 people. It was very classy and there were only a few diners so it was also very quiet. I didn't actually remember the details of the lunch itself, I was actually uneasy during the lunch with this man, because I didn't know him very well or what his motives were. The waiters were very nice though and wore white suit jackets.I was so unsettled that once I'd finished my meal, I immediately went to the counter and enquired if they did split bills. They said yes, so I went back to this man and said that I would pay for my half of the meal. He didn't seem to care and let me did what I wanted. So back I went to the counter and paid my half... (I spent slightly less than half but for the ease of bill splitting, went 50/50) which was somewhere along the $360-$370 mark. Yes, that was half. It was a $700+ meal. I remember seeing the price and thinking it totally wasn't worth the cost, that I'd dined better for that amount (Attica, Noma Australia. And I believe this scene may have been triggered by the fact that I looked at my Attica receipt last night and saw $930 split between 3 people.). But since I ate the food, I paid. Then for some crazy reason, I paid the other half straight away? I said it was for the old man, but the "second" credit card I took out to pay was my very own one that I just used!After this was done, I went back to the table that we were at... only to find the table had been removed. All that was left was the old man sitting in his seat, surrounded by shopping bags - the colourful and sturdy ones you get from department stores. They definitely weren't there earlier. I said I would be leaving now, and it was then that he said he wanted to give me something - and handed me a black leather portfolio, with the same colourful sticker markers I mentioned earlier. I cannot confirm if it's the same one I saw earlier on in the dream or a different one. Either way, I took it, walked off... and that was the end of my dreams.The end!


Reign v2017


Reign vJ20.17