Random Sydney adventure post thing
I feel like spamming some words just cause I can :)
- My Das keyboard is no longer crunchier than my Ducky.
- I need to save a lot of money
- I had a discussion with a friend about coffee and I was saying how my specialty coffee tastes is the same as hipsters and that he was fine to have his opinion on coffee. He was saying how ristrettos are tasty and I was saying how that was 5 years back.
- Some people to my left at a cafe this morning sounded like they were really involved in politics, and judging by other things they said, they're university students. Hopefully what they achieve what they want because they were very passionate and sounded like they wanted some good changes to happen.
- The people to my right were agonising over whether to visit "a really good donut shop in Barangaroo". I almost interjected, since I wanted to say YES OF COURSE YOU NEED TO VISIT. THE SHOP'S NAME IS SHORTSTOP. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS. But maybe that would also sound a bit snobbish right at the end. Also cool was that they were talking about beer or wine or something before donuts.
- I might make a separate blog of this but basically I met chefblackjacket and it was awesome. And his business partner in crime The Somm. I should probably refer to him by name though. But he doesn't have as "internety" of a pseudonym as Jack (because I never remember his name, only his handle).
- I really want to draw but there really is no time. I really hope I end up blogging everything that I want to blog about.