I am so lucky....

That lamb cutlets are tender :D I was freaking out, worried that I had overcooked them. It also didn't help that I had three cutlets, and all were different thicknesses.  But they are suuuuper delicious and nice.I still can't get over the fact that handmade butter tastes weird.I had some pepper and red wine beef sausages yesterday which were awesome. I was worried about undercooking them, but I think they ended up being just right.I've been getting up earlier than usual to feed the cat, open windows/blinds and cook some breakfast. I had bacon and egg this morning. ON A WEEKDAY. That was amazing. This whole looking after myself thing is difficult in terms of what to eat every night, but I also realised just how expensive I am haha - lamb cutlets, gourmet sausages, colourful tomatoes, handmade butter,  nice leafy greens, etc. It would be... difficult staying healthy on a budget. It's interesting that when having to feed myself, I really focus on what nutrients I am getting. Vegetables actually taste nice, but I'm getting sick of making the same salad three days in a row. At least my meat is varied. Carbs are also difficult as I've been stuck with a giant loaf of olive bread that I can't finish by myself.I'm thinking noodles tomorrow. Cold soba (or lukewarm) with soy sauce mushroom dip. Maybe.The cat is funny. I give it food, it nibbles at it, then meows at me. Well, it's always meowing at me. Always wanting nicer food or something. Apparently he's very fussy. Next time I'll just toss him a leaf. 


WTB phone that defends marines in SC


Housekeeping a cat