Vampirachnids etc.

The other night I had a fantastic dream where I had to save the world yet again from the neverending forces of evil. My special powers this time round included invisibility, flight and the ability to dissipate into a gas/steam-like substance. I was on the hunt for floating pieces of magical bronze armour while evading the detection of enemies who patrolled each area. The first piece I touched was easy, and it immediately evaporated. I still had to get out of there quickly, since touching one took me to another plane where I had to escape a dense cloud of explosive pink orbs.

The second (and last) piece I had to extinguish was much tougher to do, as the patrol here was an ice lady. As I rushed towards the armour, I conjured ice around her neck and threw her into some nearby water, because fighting ice with ice was totally the logical and correct thing to do. I may have had a sidekick at this point, as I tried to then freeze the ice lady in the water. I was most definitely a genius in my dream. GENIUS.

So then of course, my sidekick buddy who might not have actually existed said, “why did you do that? You can’t freeze ice in water!”

In any case, she was satisfactorily incapacitated, so I tapped the armour and zoomed away, thinking I done good for whatever the purpose of all that was, and that I had prevented disaster.

The next thing I knew, I was trying to find my friends again, as I’d been separated from them during my quest. I managed to stealthily float into a not so abandoned warehouse, where I found my friends working in an almost sweatshop environment. Since I’m a paranoid person, I decided to stay mostly invisible. However, I revealed myself to one of my friends, who was working away on a loom-like object. She was really happy to see me since I’d been away for a while, but just as I suspected, it wasn’t long before I discovered that my friends had been brainwashed and working for another evil lady. They alerted her to my presence, and that’s when I knew it was my time to run.

I was no longer in a warehouse, but in a very large plane that had multiple rooms. They had rigged the plane to crash as a means of trapping me and killing me with the blast. So, in my gaseous form I went from room to room, not really knowing what I was trying to do. I was fairly confident that I couldn’t escape, so….

BAM I was somehow outside of the plane, watching this giant disc shaped plane fall into a shallow pool of water. It kind of only sort of exploded, without much noise or… explosion. Wow that all sounds very anti-climactic.

I was outside a large cafe with someone, overhearing that there was a search party trying to recover my body from the plane. Since I had somehow safely escaped a trap, I was free to go wherever I wanted. Therefore I ended up in another world, or at least very far away from wherever I was, either through teleportation or hocus pocus. I was now with one of my other friends, who needed to go to a specialised gardening store to buy either a trowel or a pot, but I can’t recall which. For some reason she wasn’t eager to visit a conventional store so instead of walking down a common street, we took a turn, which ended up with us facing a tree that was full of spider webs across it and a bush. I couldn’t figure out why we couldn’t go around the left of the tree, since it was a clear path across the park and into the shop that way. Instead, I picked up my friend and flew through the webs to get to the other side. Finally got to the shop and got the goods.

So in a very long and convoluted way, I escaped a whole bunch of baddies to help my friend buy some gardening tools.

Also, wouldn’t it be awesome if spiders were also vampiric? :D


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