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More Dead Cells?!

Wow 5BC 5 boss modified boss rush is hard! I made so many mistakes on the winning run but still managed to make it!

And lol almost 1 million hit!

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Dead cells is insaner

Remember how I said I was stuck at 3BC? I managed to push forward and complete 4BC!

My current progress in 5BC. But it was getting a bit tough and grindy, because I'm no good at not getting hit while also rushing through levels. It got to the point where I was running the same biomes over and over again, so I did some side achievements and then finally bought the DLC...

I got my 0BC queen kill but she's pretty difficult!

And my current roadblock for DLC content is reliably getting to and killing the servants, so that I can have another shot trying to kill the queen on 2BC - she's got some nifty tricks! I decided to skip 1BC because I'm crazy....

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Dead Cells is insane

I played for ages not being able to defeat the Hand of the King, and then watched my friend defeat him on his third playthrough.

Turns out watching someone else play made me see how the game works, and then I proceeded to kill the hand up to 2 boss cells! Yay!

But then I only made it to the hand on 3BC because I had the invisibility necklace lol. I can't reliably reach the throne room on 2BC still! What an insane game XD

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