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Dead cells is insaner

Remember how I said I was stuck at 3BC? I managed to push forward and complete 4BC!

My current progress in 5BC. But it was getting a bit tough and grindy, because I'm no good at not getting hit while also rushing through levels. It got to the point where I was running the same biomes over and over again, so I did some side achievements and then finally bought the DLC...

I got my 0BC queen kill but she's pretty difficult!

And my current roadblock for DLC content is reliably getting to and killing the servants, so that I can have another shot trying to kill the queen on 2BC - she's got some nifty tricks! I decided to skip 1BC because I'm crazy....

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I did it again

Some epic HP remaining right there.Apparently I made a few high scores this time too!I was just trying to get the last Osprey achievement of 4 blue events by sector 5....Now to turn off my gaming computer for who knows how long again :)BACK TO REAL LIFE

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