Not a normal superpower dream
My crazy dreams are back for the time being, but not quite the same as they used to be. I love my save the world with superpowers dreams, but haven't had any in a long time.At least this time my superpowers were back. Well, it wasn't actually me. I was more of a spectator that shared the same space and consciousness as the person in my dream. It was a character who wanted to run away from his city, because people were trying to kill him. He had to sneak out of his apartment, avoid a lady who was walking toward the apartment, avoid alerting or running into the police, and avoid a massive bomb to escape.So he ran. The first time, the lady spotted him and then called the police. He managed to run down one street before pretty much ending up exactly where some policemen were stationed, so that was the end of that. The dream "whited out" and the scenario reset.Next attempt, he decided he would shapeshift into a cat to be silent and to better evade the lady at the apartment. This worked out much better - though from his perspective there was still what felt like an audible thump as he jumped down a set of stairs and proceeded to dash in the opposite direction from the previous scene, and once he felt relatively safe, he transformed back into a human. He was on the left side of a river that ran through the city, when he passed a pole that lit up with red when he passed it - which happened to be the trigger for a bomb going off in the distance - but close enough that he would be caught in the blast. Once again, the scenario reset.Third time, he again escaped as a cat and this time ran on the right side of the river, far away enough so that he wouldn't trigger the sensor. But... a bigger bomb went off. A white wash again, and now I returned to my real self, in front of a witch-like lady, who held a tiny half robotic man in her hand. She explained that he never did make it, and that it was all a dream - at which point I was thinking "wow this is such a bad ending to a story"And that was pretty much it. How random! For once the super powers in my dream were being used to unsuccessfully escape. I hope I do get another save the world dream in the future!