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The Fool, The Doctor, and the Girl with a Bazooka

Hey it's been an extremely long time since I posted a dream! This one was a pretty good one so I figure I'd better post it.

It started out with the feeling of being hunted. I was in a hotel room maybe? I knew people were after me, but I didn't know why. While trying to evade my pursuers, a man who looked remarkably like the Fool came along to help me. He had a plan, and so we kept distance from people with sticks quite successfully.

As we were hoping to make an escape, we saw a girl with a very large, long weapon. The thing that came into my mind was a bazooka, even though it didn't quite look like a rocket launcher. It looked more like a staff with possibly a blade or blunt and heavy weight at the bottom. But also it looked a bit like the Reignbreaker? It was wrapped up which is why I can't really confirm what it might have been. But brain said bazooka, because of Bazooka Donut (aka Atomic Tortilla). Yeah, she had an anime face. Like Vocaloid. Yep, Mike has influence in my sleep now too!

Anyway, now that the enemy had a ranged weapon, we could no longer stay alive just by keeping out of range - now they could shoot us from anywhere! We had to change our strategy, so we ran...

We eventually hit a dead end and the Fool realised we had to make a stand. It was now or never. We were in a busy road and there was a sofa, he came up with a plan that I would hide under a mattress under the sofa, and that would keep me safe. He then momentarily disappeared, before re-appearing, saying that he time travelled to make sure that people would have a parade on this very road every Wednesday (hence he momentarily also was The Doctor?). Yeah, my brain really did think "a parade every Wednesday", and since today was a Wednesday (which it actually was since I had this dream Tuesday night???), we would be safe for today since we were hidden amongst the crowd.

And that is the story of how we survived.

The end!

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That one really weird dream

That is actually many random dreams all smooshed into a single night's REM session after consuming kudu loin dressed with strawberries....It all started with a whole bunch of peole and myself, and possibly two old people who were tourists, all gathered around a bus or ferry terminal trying to determine where to go. After much thought, I'm sure I some of us ended up swimming around to whatever destination we were after. Unlike most dreams where I interact with water, I didn't actually feel wet after the swim in this one.A scene jump happened, and I ended up back home, only to greet my mum in the middle of a cockroach infestation. I was hiding behind a couch while my mum was on the other side of it, stamping some big brown cockroaches as they landed after flying around - the ground was a mess! Some came out from beneath the couch while some were in the air. I also killed a few, but the more we squished, the more that spawned, until I eventually fled the scene.I ended up hanging out with a group of slightly shady characters in a dark alleyway, where I had to use my guile to take very light bags of poorly coloured gold nuggets away from dodgy looking people. Essentially, stealing bags of fake pyrite in front of thieves.... I also managed to score an additional bag that had a necklace made of a rainbow of tiny beads.As I walked back to my "friends," my PoV switched to that of a small being trapped in a small, dark room. By randomly throwing things against the wall in front of me, I managed to eventually break it down and emerged... back into my human self, where I was then staring at a hamster who had knocked a hole in the wall and came through it, bits of rock in a pile in front of it.So after all this, we then finally had to return all these goods to work, so we got in a van, where lo and behold, neil perry was in the back seat just chilling. I couldn't believe it was him, but it was, so I said I wanted to have a picture with him and he was all cool about it, except even though I took two selfies with him, they weren't showing up on my phone. He was so chill, except for the fact that he was also talking about highly techincal tin foil hat things, such as hacking networks and making sure our devices didn't have viruses.That concludes my very random dream where too many weird things happened all at once.I just want to make very nice bone marrow soup :)

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