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Spiffy Wheels! And a blue house

Behold my shiny new bike! I barely know how to ride a bike, but I've always loved the idea of riding a bike. And the near future may necessitate bike riding (well ok, it's not the bike riding that's necessary; it's the commute to work), so I decided to get one and get used to it!

It's a hipster style bike and honestly I'm in two minds about it. I used to really want a hipster bike, but now I think it's a bit too flashy - I wanted something low key but they're all expensive and didn't have chain guards and basket fitouts. This was the only type with everything I already needed. So looks like my hipster on the inside persists! And I've already had a stranger fangirl over this bike haha.

So far I love riding on it! It feels like a great bike, better than the one I used on Rottnest Island back in 2018! Riding around on the footpaths isn't too scary, but I'm still so uncoordinated and wobbly! Hopefully I will improve by the time I actually need to commute.

SHINY PURPLE! Should I give it a name? I have no idea. I'm not good with names for actual objects lol.

And look, I made it to the Blue Boat House! It was a thing in WA that became Instafamous and everyone started lining up to take pics of it. I didn't want to go but now seemed like the perfect time! Because I'm not yet confident in my bike skills, I didn't ride it all the way here (I parked my bike at Felix and Co instead) since I didn't know if there was a cycle path or parking etc. But now that I've been, I know what to expect next time! So I want to revisit when the sun conditions are more camera friendly, since the sunlight was way too harsh.

YAY for a long post, new things, and fun things!

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