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Imagine a communal tea shop

Well, imagine a cafe, but one that serves tea in the most interesting way. I never order tea at cafes because I feel it's not worth the money, and if it is, you have to spend at least a couple of hours to actually get good tea since you can get multiple steeps from them.

So, imagine there's a tea on the menu called "communal tea" and it only costs $1. It uses really good tea (imagine Kuura Corp, Bitterleaf, etc) and the concept is sort of like batch brew for coffee - you get one cup of whatever's in the pot. It might be the first steep, it could be the eighth (until of course it gets changed out because all the flavour and colour are gone), you don't know - but it will taste nice and you don't need to commit to staying there for a bazillion steeps. The reason why it doesn't cost a lot is because you don't know exactly where in the steeping count it's at.

And you can have a few on rotation! White, black, pu-erh... I think it'd be a fun concept!

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