Fool's dagger! I've never drawn it properly, it's always been sketched in as part of her drawings, rather than being a standalone thing. Every time I draw it, it turns out slightly different, so I wanted this to be a template/baseline - though I think it will continue to change every time I draw it haha, since I haven't resolved all the metal bits to my own satisfaction. It's such a pretty dagger!
How's your naked man friend?
Good Omens is great! I really love that Crowley drinks 6 shots of espresso in a giant mug, though I would prefer it much more if he drank espressos one after another, in small espresso cups!
Anyways, these are technically speed drawings; I completed both in around about 3 hours, not happy with how Aziraphale turned out but I do like Crowley's style!
Freema Agyeman
Aaaah I messed up the eyes and chin! But it was definitely fun drawing her, she's so pretty! I really only wanted to attempt this digitally, because of how much black there was and I was worried I wouldn't be able to do the highlights properly. It didn't turn out so bad!
Now I have to get out of my face shot comfort zone and really get more practice on full body and hands...