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The World is Wonderfully Round

Firstly, setting up the perfect combo.

Secondly, wow. How on earth did I come full circle, and it's so amazing that it all happened. I only realised a few days ago how amazing Ysaye's Op 27 Sonata No.3 in D Minor is. And that's exactly the piece in Shilin's comic Amongst Us Chapter 48, where I loved the scene where Veloce listens Blackbird play the violin. I remember trying to listen to the piece a few weeks back when I was reviewing the comic but I didn't like it at the time.

And then somehow, through Twoset Violin, I realised I did actually like it, and that it's the piece in such an enthralling scene in Shilin's comic. Something I had skipped over on the initial read through because I was uncultured in the way of classical music. I thought I'd never really appreciate classical music, and was always in awe of Shilin's interest in it. I guess Brett and Eddy really do have the amazing ability to help people understand it. And to think here I am, also hoping to seriously learn violin (and one day be good enough to own a violin with a single fine tuner so I can pretend I look like a pro).

Sometimes I love the way the world works and how things I experienced in the past return to me in such a serendipitous yet familiar manner!

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