Food, Random Food, Random

Super short Sydney trip!

I've somehow been whirlwinded into classical music and had decided to browse performances at the Sydney Opera House, and stumbled upon Maxim Vengerov performing a recital! And I decided to buy premium tickets to see how a violin master plays in real life! It was also good for a short trip to see if my pigeons can survive unattended for a few days, in case I decide next year that I want to do Singapore for a few days.

The owner of Steam Tank coffee still recognised me after all these years! And this espresso was really good!

And AP Bakery's egg sandwich! I was really hoping that there'd be mortadella on this too, but it was just cheese and egg, so I decided to add on some ham, but it really wasn't needed! That egg was a really great custardy texture, definitely worth getting, and I was lucky that there was barely any wait when I visited!

Did you know the seats in the Opera House concert hall are such a pretty colour?!

Oh yeah, that was a great performance! The sound was so clear, and watching his bowing was amazing! How can he put the bow on the strings and it all just sounds perfect, while I'm there scratching away haha!

I am definitely enjoying this classical/performance phase!

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