Pretending to be a chef: More random market hauls
So I've got a tiny bit of downtime. Finally! That's what happens when I decide I should take up an active hobby while still cooking, writing, drawing (ok the second two not so much), eating, coffeeing.It seems there's a whole range of interesting things lately, some of which I've not seen before or just didn't have the marginal propensity to spend on. Plus it's not good when I think that Tasmanian winter truffles are so affordable that I've ended up buying more truffle this year than any other time. First of all, a giant Coffin Bay oyster! I bought two to increase my chances of getting one that was visually appealing, because when you get something like this, you have to play dressup.
I guess I should start up oyster dressing sessions? This one was meant to represent the beachside, since it has ice plant and sea blite. I thought it was pretty! But the oyster is just too big, so I didn't actually enjoy eating it as much as I do the smaller versions.
I didn't dress these ones though. These have noticeably round shells, and were creamier, but wasn't as sweet, so I didn't like them. It was a good experience tasting them though, because I've never had oysters like these before!
I also decided to make "not anmitsu" round 2. I'd found some coconut milk at the markets, cold pressed and hideously expensive at $7.99 for a 750mL bottle. Well, I guess that's cheaper than Pressed Juices. Fresh orange slices, orange baked rhubarb. I really like baking rhubarb! It's the lazy way of doing things, though it's probably not kind towards my electricity bill.
Another lucky find at the markets: Port Lincoln blue fin toro. Leaving this out made the fat glisten, though it wasn't specified what grade of toro this was. After buying this, I went into this small, crazed fit of really wanting to acquire some sea urchin, just so I could make a toro-uni-truffle ship. But alas, no urchin. So instead, I got to pretend to make a nigiri.
Don't mind the ice plant that almost didn't make it in this picture, I found it was just annoying and out of place. The size and shape of the toro I bought meant it was also difficult to get slices large enough to go on top of the rice. Solution? To make the rice smaller. These were super bite-sized as a result. I also didn't want truffle shavings obscuring the actual sushi, so I placed them on the side like so:
Isn't it pretty? Marbling everywhere!Now to simply idle by till I find more interesting things...