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The World is Wonderfully Round

Firstly, setting up the perfect combo.

Secondly, wow. How on earth did I come full circle, and it's so amazing that it all happened. I only realised a few days ago how amazing Ysaye's Op 27 Sonata No.3 in D Minor is. And that's exactly the piece in Shilin's comic Amongst Us Chapter 48, where I loved the scene where Veloce listens Blackbird play the violin. I remember trying to listen to the piece a few weeks back when I was reviewing the comic but I didn't like it at the time.

And then somehow, through Twoset Violin, I realised I did actually like it, and that it's the piece in such an enthralling scene in Shilin's comic. Something I had skipped over on the initial read through because I was uncultured in the way of classical music. I thought I'd never really appreciate classical music, and was always in awe of Shilin's interest in it. I guess Brett and Eddy really do have the amazing ability to help people understand it. And to think here I am, also hoping to seriously learn violin (and one day be good enough to own a violin with a single fine tuner so I can pretend I look like a pro).

Sometimes I love the way the world works and how things I experienced in the past return to me in such a serendipitous yet familiar manner!

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Officially a Twosetter

I've only been a fan for like 3 months? And I managed to splurge on a presale ticket for almost front row seats! What was I even thinking, first a violin, and now an actual concert!

Having watched a fair few of their videos now, I had a vague idea of how their live performances would be - super relaxed, possibly some audience interaction, and basically a mix of comedy and classical performance. They really are pretty good at live performances and interacted well with the audience! The icebreaker was their violin charades at the beginning, and then of course came long the Ling Ling exam.

The most mind blowing thing? I had no idea how good they were at hula hooping! I mean it's obvious once I saw it that they practiced a lot and probably did it in each performance, but the fact that it was live and that there are moments where it looked like they'd lose their hooping momentum - just like my recent interest in watching ballet, these live performances are so riveting! Not only that, but all of the audience felt the same way, we audibly gasped and cheered throughout the whole concert!

There were viola jokes aplenty, a jab at Brett's lack of perfect pitch, some sacrilegious speed, and overall a very entertaining night!

Now the question is, should I go see an actual classic concert one day? Or should I go practice 40 hours a day? Why not both!

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