Echoes of Van Gogh
Woohoo more culture time! I don't know how it is that I keep running into the Van Gogh theme - first my almond blossom teacup, then the immersive Van Gogh exhibition, and then now an Echoes of Van Gogh ballet by the WA Ballet company!
I really like that I'm enjoying watching ballet so much, and this was such a different experience than Swan Lake! This had a way more contemporary flavour to it and was great to experience, especially the sunflower skirts! The sunflower skirts and crow costumes were so amazing!
I think I'm going to aim for one ballet per season or something, it's actually a really fun thing to do!
Swan Lake has made me 1% more cultured!
Dear Diary,
Yesterday I went and watched Swan Lake by the WA Ballet Company. It was a last minute decision; two years ago I wanted to watch Dracula but alas, lockdowns meant that my ticket had to be cancelled, and so I exchanged them for a voucher that was valid for three years - and as a spur of the moment thing, decided to see what was on and found that Swan Lake was being performed!
I actually didn't know what it was about at all, and only skim read the synopsis. All I knew is that it had been interpreted into a WA specific context, and it was actually really interesting! Plus now I realise the "Swan Lake" music - before it had just always been stuff I'd heard but not known the origins, and now I know!
The performance was pretty amazing! Ballet takes so much strength, grace, and skill! Makes me miss my dancing days!
Maybe I'll book more theatre stuff next year!