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There is no life after death, only death

I love my dreams because they are awesome.Last last night I had a dream that I died found out what lies on the other side - another death! Muahahahahaha. I am amazing when it comes to not waking up when dying in a dream.Anyway, so the whole story was: I was just doing my own thing when one day this evil gang-thing started targeting me and trying to make me do their bidding. I refused to listen to them and continued to do my own thing, which made them angrier. So then they made threats against my friends and family, so I decided to go to my manager at work and let him know and he was all like, "don't worry, we'll protect you!" but I was very skeptical. In the end it didn't work because the evil people laced food with cyanide and fed it to my friends.For some reason I decided that because of this I would also eat some cyanide ham, because if I died then they wouldn't be able to bend me to their will. Or whatever. Then the evil people freaked out, telling me to stop eating it as it wasn't part of the plan, but I refused. Eventually I started feeling terrible, with a sore throat and that's when I knew I was dying. It was uncomfortable but then I got used to it and accepted my fate. Once I actually died, lo and behold, I was in some unknown location with some unknown person. I was very confused, so the person next to me explained that I was now dead, and that what now happens is that I get to "live out being dead" for another 4 years, but each of the year was the equivalent of 12 years... so technically I had 48 years before I would die again.So I wandered around a bit wasting time, when all of a sudden I get a text message asking me to go to work for an hour because there was a meeting I had to attend. But this was on my day off, so I'm not sure why it was so important for me to go. Plus I figured that I could just get an extra day of bereavement leave, since technically I qualified for it since I was grieving my own death. Totally.I think this dream was so much more interesting and action packed than the other dream I had back in August 2004 sometime when I was in a palace with red carpet and walls and golden pillars, and some guy in a white suit shot me with a really really shiny silver gun. That's how I died, but then I floated away as a spirit and watched my body fall over. And then I ended up attending my own funeral because I was somehow still alive but mourning my death.Yes, I am in love with my brain.:)

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