Art Art

Sherlock and Watson

Drawn for a friend. I was wondering whether or not I could draw someone I didn't plan on drawing, and then ended up going all out when she suggested "Sherlock and Watson, scarf is compulsory."

I hate the hands but happy I incorporated a background!

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Art Art


Because Asia Kate Dillon is pretty amazing! I feel like I haven't captured their likeness as much as I managed to do with grandson. When am I drawing original characters again XD

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Art Art

Malthessine ft. the soul of a god

I don't even know the title of this work lol. I wanted it to be something like "remnants of a god" but I also wanted "soul of a god" but I didn't want "remnants of a soul of a god".

Also, that's not what I intended for Malthessine to hold, and that sure doesn't look like the soul of a god. I was just trying to redraw an old pic and sparkles cover anything I don't want to/can't draw.

I also don't remember her exact colour scheme, I was aiming for light grey hair. I'd also forgotten what colour her eyes are meant to be, so I guess they're purple now. I know I'm not too far off the original colours since she was always a bit purpley, I think her lance weapons are purple/silver.

Also, I guess since the "original" version of this picture is from 2014, this is Malthessine +8 years, even though I've drawn her a few times in between.

Oops I forgot her hair ribbons, oh well! That's what I get for doing this as a "quick sketch".

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Art Art


I still can't get the tilt angle right so his head isn't quite as far back as the original picture. The arms are iffy but still okay, and the most enjoyable bit? The XX tattoo haha.

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Art Art

The Singing Towers of Darillium | River Song

Ok so this one was easier and turned out better than the Doctor, I hate myself! But I'm so glad I don't hate this one as much; "real life" women have always been more difficult for me to draw than anime version whereas for men it's the opposite, and this one proves me wrong?

Yay for River Song, though this is such a sad moment!

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