Mackerel study
I'm still calling this the Photshop Takes Zero Skill series even though I'm using Clip Studio Paint now lol.
I've never done a colour still life study before, and wow, I really didn't know where to start to be honest. I laid down GREEN as my first colour! Am I insane? No, I just don't know colour theory.
I do like it for my first go, though I don't know how to achieve better shininess. Also, my colours turned out completely wrong from the original:
But I'm happy with my attempt!
Fish God
Ah MoonEye! The hardest to draw of all my "first" characters. This is technically MoonEye + 18 years, here's when I last felt I had a proper drawing of him:
I upgraded him from a wizard robe to a kimono, but even then I wasn't happy with all my attempts to draw him. It wasn't until I decided to add a haori a few days ago that finally I thought I could get something good, and I did!
But I still didn't have a pattern in mind, so I just went with fish scales for now. The haori on the other hand, I do like the patterning - even though it's vastly different from the original photo, the leaves are meant to be the same as those from the trees in the Land of Falling Caterpillars!