Art Art


I drew my friend's cat! He had passed away recently and I never met him, but I would get plenty of pictures of him being so adorable.

RIP Boris!

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Art Art

Mackerel study

I'm still calling this the Photshop Takes Zero Skill series even though I'm using Clip Studio Paint now lol.

I've never done a colour still life study before, and wow, I really didn't know where to start to be honest. I laid down GREEN as my first colour! Am I insane? No, I just don't know colour theory.

I do like it for my first go, though I don't know how to achieve better shininess. Also, my colours turned out completely wrong from the original:

But I'm happy with my attempt!

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Art Art

Coffee Break (in the park)

Whoops, I gave two different drawings in a short span of time the same title! With the same characters!

This is a redraw of a 2015 picture, but again, everything is so much better this time around. Ristrel has ditched the muffin for a coffee lol.

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Art Art

Fish God

Ah MoonEye! The hardest to draw of all my "first" characters. This is technically MoonEye + 18 years, here's when I last felt I had a proper drawing of him:

I upgraded him from a wizard robe to a kimono, but even then I wasn't happy with all my attempts to draw him. It wasn't until I decided to add a haori a few days ago that finally I thought I could get something good, and I did!

But I still didn't have a pattern in mind, so I just went with fish scales for now. The haori on the other hand, I do like the patterning - even though it's vastly different from the original photo, the leaves are meant to be the same as those from the trees in the Land of Falling Caterpillars!

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Art Art

Freik, Demonic Guardian

Ah it's been far too long since I've drawn Freik! I also had an argument after my last attempt in Photoshop, so I finally tried out Clip Studio Paint in earnest. The colours are much more muted but that green glow is so saturated! I need more practice with it!

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