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The New York Dream – Part 5 – If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere

Day 15 – 18/04/2019

It was high time I made my way to Stumptown, since that's another big name coffee roaster here.

I was after something substantial or savoury, and they stocked Supermoon Croissants here, so I chose this ham and cheese one! Good stuff, this tasted so much better than how some of the "healthy" cold options looked.

I could have gotten a normal coffee, to compare it against other roasters and cafes, but you know what, a peppercorn honey latte sounded much more exciting! Seems to be a seasonal specialty here, and the barista apologised for the latte art being bad. Lol. Baristas need to stop apologising for that! I am more focused on getting the shot right, but I obviously failed here.

The coffee itself was really interesting. In LA many years back, I'd tried a cardamom latte which I ended up really not liking, and many flavoured coffees later, I realised I'd become a purist. Flavoured coffees were actually coffee flavoured other drinks. This one, however, struck a very nice balance between a flavoured coffee drink and coffee flavoured drink. The honey was subtle and not overpowering, but it was the peppercorns - they gave it a spiciness, and I never had spicy coffee before! Of course, I am also susceptible to burning upon pepper, which no one else seems to understand, but pepper actually has the same effect on me as chilli. This reminded me a lot of my truffle at Per Se last night, with the sichimi pepper. It was almost like this was the best coffee chaser for that chocolate! I was burning so I couldn't drink it fast, but I really enjoyed!

Isn't it great when you try something you don't think you'll be impressed with, and then it turns out to be so much fun?

Plus the decor here is great. It really feels like a mini library!

Cherry blossoms were starting to dwindle, but the peach blossoms persisted. I went around to Washington Square Park again, hoping to take some better photos than last time, especially as it wasn't raining today. Still no random coffee/tea cart!

Nothing to see here, just a man on a roof...

But look, another dog run! Yay! Man New York really does have amazing dog parks. This corgi looks like the same one from last time, but I think it might be different?

After the doggies went home, it was time to keep exploring. I found this interesting looking tea place, and wondered what kind of tea it sold.

So many varieties of teas! It's interesting how Asian tea shops and Western tea shops look so different! These ones had some interesting looking chinese teas, but also had the usual suspects and fruit blends of black teas, such as english breakfast, earl grey etc.

More street photos. Again, the buildings here are just wonderful to look at because it's almost like patchwork sometimes!

Well I kept walking and ended up in Chinatown, and stumbled upon Canal Street Markets. There are so many eateries here, including a little Ippudo branded noodle shop, and even had a kakigori place, complete with the ice shaver thing! That's so cool! That kind of meant I had to get one....

Lo and behold, my strawberries and cream kakigori!! It was super tasty and it was layered with sesame bits inside! I love that everything here looked home made and wasn't bright coloured syrup. Very fun to eat!

This road is pretty cool. Massive archaway too, but just look at all those New York style not-witches hats! No, the building on the right is not falling over. This is just a really wide shot so I think my phone does weird things when fitting all the details in!

You know what I haven't had yet? An Impossible Burger. I saw it available at Nishi, but I didn't feel like trying to make it there and attempting a walk in, so instead, a little bit of researched showed that Bareburger, a chain I'd seen a few times, served them! But now that I actually wanted to look for their locations, it seemed tough to find one. But I perservered, and this is it. Behold the Impossible Burger, the cow that didn't die to make the patty, the thing that really is supposed to taste like meat.

And it does! Woah. It really IS impossible! You honestly cannot tell that it's not made of meat. They've engineered this incredibly well. I love it! The burger was cooked to medium though, so I couldn't see any "bleeding" effects. The flavour though, was spot on. I have no idea how they emulated the flavour of beef fat, or how they got the texture this spot on. It is really, really good and just amazing to eat!

There's one more meal here that's not pictured and that's dinner. My friend wasn't feeling well and I was looking for food that might be tummy-friendly, and it turns out there was a place nearby that did dumplings, called Kung Fu little steamed buns ramen. Yeah, that's the whole name. They actually got a Michelin mention, and it was particularly busy that night! But I had a cheat idea. You can skip the queue if you order takeaway! So I went straight to the front to place my order. Good thing too, because you avoid tipping costs this way! They had pig ears so I had to grab some, and I also got some pork and prawn steamed dumplings, and some har gow. The dumplings required 20 mins prep, so I went home and back.

The food was actually pretty tasty! The dumplings were so-so (they were not xiao long bao), but the har gow and the pig ears were both super yummy! No wonder they're busy!

Day 16 – 19/04/2019

Happy Good Friday! I wonder what Easter delights I will find in New York. I saw Bouchon Bakery stocking hot cross buns early, but I waited till today to go and ask for one. Alas, New Yorkers don't eat hot cross buns the same way we Aussies do? Their bakery was takeaway only, and I wanted one to dine in. You know, toasted, with butter. They said I could try my luck at their actual cafe. So I walked across to the Bouchon Cafe and asked them if they served hot cross buns. They were really, really confused. They weren't sure. And then they came back to me and said they didn't serve hot cross buns.

Okay. I still want to try one, but I really wanted one toasted. With butter.

After doing a bit of digging, it turns out that Supermoon did hot cross buns! Woo! And I didn't have any pressing cafe visits, so I settled for a flattie here too.

Yay, hot cross bun!!! But er, where's my toasted and butter? I didn't ask for toasted and butter, but I specified to have here, assuming that it was always served hot, but oh no, it came out as is! Which makes me wonder what would happen if I tried to ask for toasted with butter. Would they understand what I was after? All these mysteries!

But, to its merit, it was good on its own. It's much like any other sourdough artisan hot cross bun - it wasn't squishy, and quite bready, but tasted great! This to me is an actual type of hot cross bun that is distinctly different from the squishy kind, and I enjoy both!

I'd actually bought some hot cross buns at my Bouchon Bakery encounter, but now it was time to look for butter, as well as restock on my yoghurt. Here's a cute doggy at the farmer's markets!

Look, more apple varieties! The spartan tasted like a very good cooking apple, sweet with some tartness, but it felt like it held its shape very well.

The snapdragon was more expensive, on par with the ruby frost, and was also really sweet and flavoursome! This was probably my favourite apple out of the lot I tried, tied with the ruby frost.

I did manage to find some butter, but forgot that you don't need to refrigerate butter here because it's not 30 degrees. Here is the Bouchon Bakery hot cross bun! This one was the super squishy kind and very sweet smelling! I actually liked this one too!

Time to venture forth to our fifth and final borough! Here is the boat to Staten Island!

This was actually a great boat ride! My last ferry was to Rottnest Island and it was the most unpleasant and turbulent boat I'd ever been on, so I was a bit apprehensive about this one, but the waters were calm, much like how a Sydney ferry ride would be, so I took lots of photos!

Nice, we actually get fairly close to the Statue of Liberty!

And here we are. Hello Staten Island! It looks like there's a massive shopping complex in the middle of being built here. I didn't know if there was anything to do here, so we walked around and I took some photos. Walking wasn't the greatest idea though, because like Queensborough Park, this area also looked a little less well-to-do.

Some very empty streets here! Where did all the tourists go? Oh well. It was time to go back to the... mainland? Main island? Manhattan. Lol.

That boat doesn't look healthy!

On my way to the island, I noticed that there were a heap of seagulls behind the boat, but they aren't really at the front. I reckon they're benefiting from some slipstreaming here! So on the way back, I took plenty of pictures of them behind us!

Everyone peering out the windows to see the Statue of Liberty! So I took pictures of people taking pictures, cause that's always so fun!

And shortly after, we were back in Manhattan. Hmm, what to do for dinner though. I think it was the waiter at Per Se that I discussed Russ and Daughters with, and I'd mentioned that I tried to go one morning and it was packed, and that I was considering going for dinner. He'd mentioned it's better to go for breakfast, but feeling spontaneous, I decided to ignore his advice and go tonight. I was early enough to hopefully avoid a queue, and I'm pretty sure pickled fish is a dinner food rather than breakfast.

Jackpot! Good Friday, and I got in straight away! I was conveniently seated at the bar. This was the most interesting drink I've had in a while, a fennel and basil soda. The fennel made it really interesting, like it was sweet, but you could sort of also get hints of savoury from it! I'm actually really enjoying a whole lot of interesting beverages here!

More matzo ball soup! Look at the healthy heaping of chicken in this one too! The broth here was really good, though I still like the actual mazto ball at Katz's the best. The bowl was actually pretty large, and I was already worried that I'd over-ordered, which is very unusual for me to do so early into a meal.

Look, an Easter special! This was traditional gefilte fish, with white fish, carp and pike, accompanied with beetroot and horseradish. I actually had no idea what I had ordered and couldn't even pronounce the dish properly, but wow, this was tasty! I didn't know that fish meatloaf is a thing, nor that it paired with horseradish! The actual loaf itself was very interesting because the fish were minced/ground whole - I found one tiny piece of bone that was *just* noticeable. It's kind of cool that they use all of the fish, if these were super bony fish, it'd be a very efficient way of using the whole animal!

Luckily, this Pastrami Russ was small-ish! A pretzel brioche with pastrami cured salmon. Tasty stuff, and I was really full at this point. That means everything I'd ordered just scraped in!

Except that this place is also famous for pickled fish... so I had to get their pickled herring. I was a little distraught that the tasting plate came with 6 pieces, but I really wanted to try it... so I guess this is dessert! Yum! The herring by itself was very fishy, you could taste it even through the vinegar, but, when you combined it with: mustard and dill; pickled onion; and apple. My favourite was in that order too. And I also remembered that South Africans celebrate Easter with pickled fish too! Yay!

I was so full but so happy. They even give you a little coffee candy at the end! That's so awesome! And yes, I took the shot over the caviar menu, just cause.

I was walking off all the food I ate, when I saw people milling around this shop. Oh, a place called Rice to Riches, that's cute. I wonder why it's so popular?

Haha, the signs are great! It reminds me of a shop here in Perth called Neho, which used to be called Chingrish. While Chingrish is a more obvious way to create humour, these guys basically flip every rule on its head, and have ridiculous signs like "limit 500 rice puddings per person" and "surcharge for hard questions, indecision, pondering" etc. It's great!

Yep. It's a shop that sells only rice pudding. Loads and loads of rice. Pudding. So many flavours, it's amazing there's a shop here that's actually thriving from all this. Kind of like how I've always wondered if it's viable to sell just jelly. lol.

Well, this was the mascarpone cherry flavour because I had to try some, mainly to compare with how I make mine at home. This one wasn't too bad, but I was really really full and this was much bigger than I thought (I didn't realise only 4 basic flavours came in an even smaller size). I ate half and took the rest home!

Day 17 – 20/04/2019

I had some leftover pig ears from my dinner two nights ago, so I ate them for breakfast before heading out. It was high time I got myself to Te Company, to have another zen tea day.

This place is nice! It's smaller than Tea Drunk and the vibe is different, but the quality is just as stellar. Since they sell Taiwanese teas, I decided to go for an oolong tasting. The lady did mention that the pots were smaller than if I ordered each one individually, but that was fine. She also said that here, they did 3 washes per tea. It's 1 short of what Tea Drunk were doing, but each to their own!

The tasting flight actually doesn't follow any kind of rules, it just lets you pick three. I asked for three distincly different teas so that I could compare, and from her recommendations, I chose the following three:

Valley of the dragon and phoenix (left) - very light and drinks like a green tea. A bit seaweedy, savoury. Turned fragrant and fruity on 3rd wash.

Royal courtesan (middle) - very sweet, slightly "sharp" like almost tannic/astringent but not? I'm convinced this smells floral (but not in a coffee way) on 2nd and 3rd washes.

Frozen summit 2011 vintage (right) - toasty like houjicha but without the depth. Also sweet, kind of fruity. 2nd wash is a big vegetal, like dirt veges (jerusalem artichoke? Ginseng?)

I have the weirdest tasting notes, but there they are XD.

These guys are famous for their pineapple linzer cookies, so I had to try one too. I wasn't even really sure what they were, and when they came out, I thought to myself, hey, that looks like a jammy dodger!

This place actually started feeling like a bar after a while. What I mean by that is, the place is smaller than the number of customers that enter. Once their few tables are occupied, any additional customers end up just standing around and enjoying the tea. This is actually a really cool thing, to see a "standing room tea house", I guess you could say. It shows people really value the place and the time required to enjoy tea, something you don't see as much in coffee (it exists, but most people take away so it ends up being the thing you see the most). Hence, the feeling is most common to that of a bar. Amazing!

It was also really interesting to see the demographics of the customers. They were mostly young people, I'd say in their 20s. There was a small group of Japanese people (probably tourists), a couple talking about startups, and a couple of girls just hanging out talking about life. Isn't that interesting? I'd say it was the same group as hipsters who went to specialty coffee shops. There was also an older lady by herself, with a writing book and a reading book. Once more people started coming in, they were older too, maybe in their 30s - 40s. How cool! It's amazing that so many different kinds of people appreciate this kind of tea!

I intially was saving myself to find food afterwards, and ignored the pork and rice dish because it sounded "ordinary". Even after the Tea Drunk guys told me that an ex-Per Se chef worked here. However, after seeing the two girls next to me order it and it was the perfect size! It wasn't too big, plus, it actually looked really, really good. Like, it was just a bowl of rice but it was so good! So I ordered one too.

I spent so much time just looking at it! Now I see why I liked it; I couldn't put my finger on why I was compelled to order this when I saw it. Was it because it was homely? Was it just because it was a decent size? Or was it that something else where you just know it's gonna be good?

Well. That pork and mushroom. Look at it. Look at it closely. The chopping on it is uniform!! Every piece looked like it was diced with some very technical knifework, not just any random person chopping up the food. Woah. Yeah. You know I get mesmerised with knifework.

Then there's the egg. Oh, but of course, it's a tea egg! I haven't had a tea egg in ages and I've craved them on and off the last few years! How aromatic! And look at that yolk inside. That is perfectly yolky. Not a millimetre too cooked and you could tell that the heat had reached it because it was oozy rather than fully runny. Wow. Yeeah this was good, woah, I loved it! Who knew something so "simple" like pork and rice could turn out to be such a lovely dish!!!

As I was eating this, I saw the lonesome lady finish her meal, but then I noticed something. She had these dark squiggly things on a napkin. Huh? Did she just find seaweed somewhere? Then I thought about it, and I think that she had actually taken a few of the leaves from her oolong tea and patted them dry on tissue. I wonder what for! More mystery ensues! I love seeing people do things because then it doesn't make me feel so awkward sometimes for other random things!

Having learned my lesson from other other tea day, I made sure to head to a place I knew there were plenty of bathrooms for the next few hours. By chance, it also meant I came across a very brightly decorated train carriage!

World Trade Center was the perfect stop since I could use the amenities here. But also, I was here for this part of the station. I saw it once when my friend and I travelled somewhere, maybe it was to Coney Island. I really liked how it looked, but didn't want to hop off and on another train. I actually had trouble finding this section because WTC is actually a different station, so all the trains end up on the old section with another name. I had to walk around looking for this place. Is the 7 train the only one that leaves from here?

I went to Hudson Yards because I had this grand idea that if I was ever unsure of what to have for dinner, I could buy some salmon sashimi and roe, plus a box full of sea urchin from the super fancy supermarket here and just gorge on that with a beer in hand (yes, that combo is literally what I thought of). Along the way I found this very interesting shop, where you can just take a bottle and it looks like a trust system to pay for it. I didn't really wanna pay $10 a bottle so I didn't give this a go.

I bought more hot cross buns and also a TKO, a Thomas Keller Oreo. Not bad, but I know nothing about cookies so this was so-so for me.

That, to the left, is a line for the Vessel. Now I see why the tickets have a time and date on them!

I didn't actually end up buying any sushi for some reason, I didn't really want to pay and the uni didn't look super enticing, and I wasn't really feeling it, so I left.

Look, two policemen directing traffic!

Instead, I had an idea to go to Momofuku Ko's bar. Being able to have both a burger and fried chicken sounded really tempting!

Day 18 – 21/04/2019

Easter Sunday, a celebratory day! With my constant consultation of Google Maps, I noticed that a section of Fifth Avenue had been purpled out. Upon closer inspection, I noticed ti was some sort of Easter Bonnet Festival Parade thing!

I took so many photos that I made a separate post about it here.

I wasn't supposed to visit Little Collins twice, but the first visit was so enjoyable, and it just happened to be close by, that I decided to go there again. Still as packed as ever, and I didn't want something too big in case I had to eat again later, so I opted just for the espresso. Good fuel for photo days!

Oh, Trump Tower is here! I didn't realise this is open to the public and that he has a ton of eateries. Well... I didn't really want any of it, even though I did consider super hyper critically assessing the cafe, but not really. I didn't want that! So I finished taking snaps of the parade and headed back.

Wow a Nintendo shop!

More of New York's streets.


P.S. Kitchen was a place I noticed really early on in the trip, and got my hipster sense going. However, I wasn't sure exactly what it did, or how much food it had because it felt very much like a bar, being a "downstairs" place. It did have super cute decor, though.

It wasn't until today that I actually saw they had a menu on display, so I took a look. A Beyond Burger! Woah! Okay, I had plans to visit a diner today, but scrap that, this is a vegan place that sells the other burger! And so here I was.

I don't even remember what this drink was, maybe matcha coconut. I do remember it being very tasty, something I didn't quite expect, but the balance of flavour was great!

Behold the Beyond Burger! The patty of this was about double the thickness of the Impossible burger. It was also delicious, but in a different way. This one had less "meatiness" than Impossible. This is a bit tough to describe. Impossible tasted like flavoursome, dry aged meat fat. It also had a texture that matched an average ground beef patty. Beyond had a meaty bite, but it didn't quite match that of beef. There would be maybe an imperceptible "soy" texture still with this, but considering I say it's almost imperceptible, and I have the worst senses out of anyone, it's not accurate, but it's how I felt the texture was different. One thing Beyond did a lot better, or maybe this place, was there was a real smokiness to the patty, which brought back the idea of this resembling meat.

And here's the inside! Overall both Beyond and Impossible are really great "not meat" burgers. I prefer Impossible, but I imagine there's a market for both, catering for different tastes. Some good stuff!

It was my friend's last day in NY before he had to leave, so we decided to squeeze in the MET as best we could!

So many hot dog carts!

There's also this guy playing his sax. But that's not the interesting bit. The interesting bit is that he doesn't want videos taken, and he actually announces this in Chinese! And it's actually really fluent mandarin, the intonations are spot on when I listened. There's a sign there that even says "yes, I lived in Asia", and I think he's done some higher profile stuff?

Anyway, the MET is so big that I'll have to do a separate post about it, but I'm a little pressed for time so who knows if I'll ever link it up.

Our time was up and my friend had to return home. So now I had to figure out things to do on my own, and I decided to see if Rockefeller's observation deck was open since it was a nice today today. They also have crazy sets of lifts!

Wow ok, Top of the Rock is busy! Not only was there a queue, but the tickets have specific timeframes, so even though I bought mine at 5:30, the next available time was 8:30, so I had a few hours to kill.

"Vegan" cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, but no such label on the broccoli... guess where I'm at!

I didn't really want a "full" dinner, and I was in need of vegetables again, so I fell back to my old reliable, Wholefoods Market. I really do love that place, especially when there are so many selections on offer at the make your own bar! I gathered up some asparagus, broccoli salad, salami chickpea and bocconcini salad, carrots, a vege spring roll, and soy nuggets. I think that's all of it.

The soy nuggets were actually deliciously addictive! Everything else in the box was pretty tasty too! KIDS, EAT YOUR VEGES!

And I took a table at Bryant Park, and became one of those people just relaxing at a park, eating food. Oh, now I see why the parks have so many tables and chairs! New Yorkers like to eat out and then sit at the parks where there is space, since there's no space inside the shops which are often small. That's why the parks always look busy! I wonder how much time the average worker here gets to take a break.

New York really is the place to work hard, play hard. Look at these petanque players go!

Some serious table tennis action right there too!

I couldn't resist giving Waffles and Dinges a go. Here's a candied bacon Liege waffle! I can't believe I got a tiny bottle of maple syrup too, so I kept that and took it home with me. This was actually quite enjoyable, I liked the combination of flavours!

Wow, lots of cops on bikes!

And finally, it was time to make my way to the Top of the Rock. 

Once I was done, it was time to see what the night version of New York looked like, as I realised I hadn't actually gotten any night shots. Here are some people cleaning the ice rink!

Day 19 – 22/04/2019

Next morning, first things first. Gotta finish up my Sun and Stars ticket, which is a special ticket for Top of the Rock. Because my session was at night, I did want to see what this place looked like in the daytime, and they happened to have a combo ticket that grants you as second visit within 24 hours of your first allotted time. My timing was impeccable, as I spotted this wedding couple who were here to both take photos, and have photos taken. Covered also in my Top of the Rock post.

Now it was time for food. My target was actually a specific cafe as one of my idol baristas had quietly raved about a cruller being sold there, but as I had to pass Union Square station to get to it, I got yet another look at the farmers markets, and hey, spring has finally sprung! Super expensive asparagus is now available!

Cool, now I know what mugwort looks like in real life!

Things here are looking greener by the day!

And here we are, at a place called Daily Provisions. It's a cool little cafe, very efficient, and another workflow that I hadn't seen before. Communal dining tables are to the left, bar and barista to the right, and the till is actually at centre back. The queue feels like it would cut the flow between the two sides, but that's how they've made it, which is interesting. The server is very nice though, and it turns out their crullers sell out fast! I asked which was the most popular flavour, and he said maple, so I ordered maple. However, they ran out, so the barista asked me if I preferred another flavour. I said any is fine, and if they ran out completely, I said I liked the sound of another sweet they have, called cake in a cup. Luckily, they still had crullers, so here's the cinnamon flavour!

Wow this was rich. Woah. That crust is like super fried in oil!!! Woaaah. But not in a bad way, it didn't feel thick or cloying, or even greasy. It was just... cooked in a lot of oil. Again, one of those things that's really hard to explain. You can tell it's soaked in oil but it's not negatively oily. And the inside was almost gooey custardy-like. Wow! This is why everyone raves about these crullers!

And here's my espresso. Not too bad, this one was from Joe Coffee. I didn't realise all the chains of Joe Coffee I see are actually the same as the Joe Pro store that I had listed. I guess this means they actually have decent coffee, but I never made it to a chain, so I'm glad I got to try it here! While this wasn't the "best" coffee I had, it's too early to tell with just this single cup, whether or not I like the roasting style.

Once I'd finished my coffee and cruller, I walked around for a bit since I hadn't explored this area before. I noticed this diner, and after doing a walk around the block, circled back to get some grub.

Yep, a real diner! I didn't want to take up an entire booth to myself, so I sat myself at the bar - I was so unsure of what the service was meant to be like here, but since there was no one at the door, I just let myself in?

There were only two floor staff visible at this time of day too, since it wasn't yet lunch time. A guy at the bar, and the lady for the booths. I just sat there, hoping that someone would serve me. Was I supposed to just butt in and ask for stuff? Honestly, I have no idea. Being the polite person I try to be, I waited patiently. Yay, it worked! After getting really worried I'd done it wrong and I was supposed to say something, the bar server managed to finish all the other things he was doing and hand me a cup of water and a menu.

Ah yes, fried chicken and waffles! Complete with egg on top! It was either that or a breakfasty type meal, but I'm always after a reallly tasty set of chicken and waffles because it's such a good combo when done well.

This was nicer than the set I had at Pies 'n Thighs, but not as good as my memory of Roscoe's, which makes me wonder if my memory of Roscoe's is still accurate. Since I tried it before I became a foodie, there's a good chance I'm wearing slightly rose tinted goggles for these. However, the chicken had great flavour! The crumb coating was quite good even though the chicken wasn't super piping hot and juicy in the inside.

I actually decided to be bravely curious and order myself a coffee too. Yeeah. After my trials and tribulations with with airplane coffee, canned coffee and Starbucks, it can't be that bad... right?

It was GOOD!!! Okay again, when I say good, I mean good by my diner expectations. It wasn't bitter, it just tasted like coffee. And anything that is smooth, and isn't bitter, is good. I could actually drink the whole thing black, so I was really happy about that! Who knew!

While I was eating my meal, this girl came in and sat down at the end of the bar, and wanted a chocolate milkshake to go. However, she was very specific and wanted chocolate ice cream in her milkshake. The bar server said yes, they could do it, but when she saw them use Hershey's chocolate syrup and they actually didn't have chocolate ice cream, she said, "ugh, Hershey's! Uh, no thanks sorry. It's got to be chocolate ice cream." and just left. Can people do that here?? Wow. Didn't realise people were so picky! Ahahaha.

Anyways then it was time to pay, and I had to break a $100 note. Figured here was as good as any place. I think I freaked out the bar server cause it sounded like he made some sort of exclamation-like sound! He then counted out my change quite diligently, and I hope I did the right thing by leaving the tip on the table. Was a fun experience!

Now that I was filled up, it was time to head over to the MET again and claim my second visit. Yep, the MET is so big that the ticket lasts 3 days! Central Park was only a small distraction; I took a few pictures on the way there.

Wow, there was a huge line! It also didn't help that it was raining. The information desk staff said they figured it was because Easter had just passed, so people were making their way to all the sightseeing stuff again.

Again, since the MET is huge, the post for it will be done... maybe. Later XD

Two hours later, it was time to attempt my dinner plan. There was no easy way back from here to my place, so I decided to trek though Central Park.

Okay, my plan. I was back at Madison Square Park. It turns out that Eleven Madison Park just switched over to their spring menu, which meant one thing - snails! But how was I going to get in without a booking, and was I really going to spend that much money again???

On their website, it says that they're open from 5:30pm. There was also no notice of holiday hours. So, I camped around a bit, trying to not look like I was desperate to know if the restaurant was open. Turns out I wasn't the only one - someone else rocked up and tried pushing the doors into a dark restaurant, with no luck. Then they checked their phone a bit, as if to also see if it was possible to figure out whether they were open or not.

I waited around a bit more, but it was becoming really obvious that they weren't open today. Oh well! I guess that means plan B. And sometimes, my plan Bs are very, very dangerous.

They even have a robot toilet here! I think this is the only one I've noticed. That's kind of cool!

Anyway, it was time to now seriously consider other option for dinner. The Clocktower is actually right next door, and considering it's actually on my list, was really tempting. But for some reason I wasn't really feeling the vibe for Jason Atherton fare. Why would I want British food in New York?

Then, Per Se's waiter's voice echoed in my head again. "Gramercy Tavern is a good one to go to..."

Well, I guess here I am! Having done some prior research, I knew that they allowed walk ins, so why not give it a go, especially since Google says this place does modern American fare. Genuine USA!

It ended up being a fantastic experience, deserving its own section.

Walking back, I finally summoned enough courage to push one of these. They're everywhere in the city, but since all the crossings are automated, I wonder what they're for? Plus, with a sign like "push button to cross", surely it might do something when the button is pressed?




Woaaaah! Wow!!! It has a really loud voice for WAIT! when you press it! And then when the lights finally turn white, it tells you that you can cross and also states which road you are crossing! That's pretty nifty!

Some more night pictures!

As I was walking home, one of these digital payphones was ringing away. Woah! It was such a Person of Interest moment (ignore the fact that this looks like an outbound call rather than inbound, and it might not have even been dialling anything). It was kind of surreal to think that it was actually ringing away! But these are coo,l, because not only do they have a 911 button,. but you can dial any USA number for free, and it's also a charging station! This is the new age digipayphone!

Day 20 – 23/04/2019

I had one more pastrami sandwich place on my list, and with time running out, I felt it was time to get a super meaty sandwich one last time. I still missed Katz's Deli dearly, but only variety will make me really appreciate what I enjoy, so it was off to Greenpoint, where you can find an ATM stuck inside a telephone box.

So I'd actually gotten here early - the place I scouted, Frankel's Deli, was open, but doesn't serve pastrami sandwiches until after 11AM. Sooo I had time to kill, so I explored the area. It's actually got a fair amount of Russian people and the like, and I thought it'd be a great place to one day try some pierogi and pelmeni!

This was an interesting gathering. I noticed very large vans gathered on the street, and some of them looked like catering vans. Then as I entered the park, there was a man with a large sign with far too much fine text, saying that I was being videoed and photographed. Ah, it's a show shooting, how cool! I can't believe it's taken till now for me to stumble across one of these! I had no idea what show it was for though, but the man said I should keep walking and not look tin that general direction since I'd be looking straight into a camera, so these are sneaky faraway shots.

And finally Frankel's was ready for pastrami! Yay! This was also a "cleaner" place than Katz's Deli - it was small and tidy. They didn't offer a half sandwich + soup, so I had to go all in here, and by that, I mean that instead of just going for a pastrami sandwich, I decided to reuben it up!

The matzo ball soup was piping hot, so I ate half my sandwich first to let the soup cool down enough. I'm really glad the meat here is thick cut! I love thick cut meat. It also had good flavour, but not quite the same punch and melty-fattiness of Katz's. That place really set the gold standard of pastrami sandwiches! This was still tasty though, and better than the one I had at Pastrami Queen.

The matzo ball soup was interesting. I liked the flavour of the soup, but the initial texture of the matzo ball was average. It wasn't until after it was cut open and took a bit of soaking, did it start tasting almost as good at Katz's. It wasn't the flavour absorption, but rather, it was the texture it gained - like a bit more bounciness to it, that made it really enjoyable the more I ate it! I would gladly have the soup here or at Katz's, even if Katz's wins by a hair.

But now I was really full, and I couldn't switch back to finish the other half of the sandwich! I took two bites and called it a valiant effort because I didn't want to be so full to the point of a tummy ache, and they were even happy to re-sticker ot so that I could take the rest away! What nice people!

Frankel's Deli was actually near MOFAD, I place I spotted early on in my accommodation hunting days. It seemed to be a cool kind of museum, and it wasn't a "must see" on my list, but it would have been nice. Alas, they weren't open this day! They are only open towards the end of the week, so I just took this photo and continued exploring.

Olso Coffee Roasters! I'd only added this place a dfew days before, as I saw the name pop up somehow. I had no idea what kind of coffee shop it'd be, but it looked cute enough, and there was another typewriter here too!

I ordered an espresso here. The decor was nice, but the espresso was more "traditional" rather than my preference, so it was abit strong and concentrated. Still good to have though!

I managed to pass a massive park combined with a track and athletics field. There were so many people exercising here! How inspring!

And here we are. Finally, the place that was probably the first to get marked on my list - Toby's Estate coffee, Brooklyn. Except I'd made it a few weeks too late as they so recently rebranded to Partner's Coffee! Oh no.... I didn't managed to take the photo with the original Toby's Estate logo. But at least I made it to both a cafe and a Person of Interest location! Hahaha success!

This is a really cool and busy place! They have a cupping room, some roaster action going, nice decor - shelves fill of "stuff" like books, gadgets and things? I don't remember too much but there was so much stuff in general! And it's a pretty decent space too. I ordered an acai bowl and a Rwandan coffee. They do actual pourovers here rather than batch, which is pretty cool - right at the counter too, which attracts a lot of attention!

The acai bowl was refreshing and went well with the coffee! What a lovely place.

I took this photo on the way out. The reason why I am posting about this is because there's actually a really interesting story to accompany it.

After I took this photo, I turned and started walking in some random direction. I'm not even sure I was actually going anywhere at this point.

A street down, I hear someone yelling out, excuse me! So I turn around, and a guy wants to talk to me. He noticed that I'd come from Toby's, and he'd chased me down to tell me I was beautiful. Woah!!! Woah waitaminuterewind. What???

He said that I was beautiful, and that even though I didn't need validation, he wanted to tell me this. He then asked if I had a boyfriend or husband. Errr, that's very complicated? I said no? Haha what have I gotten myself into! I've never had a random person just ask me out on the street before! What do I do? What if he was a serial killer? What if he was genuinely nice and this was him with his heart in his mouth not knowing what would happen? I couldn't even begin to imagine how he was feeling!

He wanted to get to know me better, but alas, I told him I'm not from around here and that I fly out soon. Aww, he was so nice and gracious about everything! I think he was hoping I'd still give him some form of contact, but I really had no idea what to do since I was having a mini panic at this point, so I said I prefered to treat this as a chance encounter.

He said he would have loved to chat over a cup of coffee!

That was so nice, I don't think I'd ever imagine anyone speak so eloquently when it comes to a spontaneous encounter like that! It's always times like these where I wonder if there really is an alternate universe where this is one of those pathways that splits. What would it be like down that future?

Oh well. It was still a lovely interaction and then I continued on my way.

I walked around the area a bit more and visited a small market and the Package Free shop, and then decided that I would somehow try and make my way towards Brooklyn Bridge and walk it, because I love walking across bridges. It turns out the easiest way to get there was via ferry, so here I am at the wharf! I had to buy a ticket for this, same fare as a metro card ride. Finally I figured out how to use my camera's panorama function; I'd forgotten how to change the brightness after not using it for so long that I kept thinking it was broken! But I found the adjustment and so I took a few panorama shots.

And here's the ferry! East River 11!

Farewell Williamsburg or wherever it is this is!

Here we are at a stop. Oh, I forgot to mention, stuff here is really old fashioned. The tickets are made of paper with a holographic strip, and there's a person on the ferry who hops off to collect your tickets, and uses a clicker-counter thing to track customer numbers. How old school!

Hello again Statue of Liberty!

Brooklyn Bridge Park!

And we're here. The ride was actually a lot of fun, this ferry was similar to the little MR-1 that I rode in Tasmania to the MONA. It even got quite ride-like towards Dumbo, with the boat catching some waves! But not turbulent tat all. How fun!

The immediate area around the wharf is very touristy, so I made like a tree and leaf'd as quickly as possible, especially as I couldn't find a bathroom easily. Uh oh, I was going to have to do this trek, having had 2 coffees, without a bathroom break!

And we're on the bridge! It's a super busy bridge with heaps of pedestrians, so even though there are clear lanes for bikes and people, there's always overlap because people have different walking speeds so it makes it tough for bikes to pass efficiently. However, we all got there in once piece!

Woot! Made it to the end of the bridge! Look at this girl take a selfie XD This was a really fun walk, and it really helped that it wasn't a frigid five degrees today!

Since I made it over the bridge with plenty of time, I did my creepy camp-out thing at Eleven Madison Park again. Except today I learned something - the website only advertises the opening of the actual restaurant. The bar opens half an hour early, at 5! Oh no. So all the tables were already taken by the time I got there. At least the waitstaff let me know, and suggested that I come back later to see if there was a free walk-in at the bar, or to see if I might make it another day if I was still going to be around.

Okay, time for Plan B again! And that meant a beautiful and slightly bizarre experience at Contra.

Day 21 – 24/04/2019

I'm going to power on with one more day in this post, even though I'm literally killing Wordpress and my browser with these epic long posts. It lags so hard and it takes me a good 2 minutes to insert each picture. But it's the only way to make the title work with the content!

It was the last time I'll get the opportunity to visit these markets on this trip, and look, all the interesting plants and things are finally coming out! Japanese knotweed, wow! Then there were the microherbs, I bought a little bit of each one to make sure I got a green boost before I had to make the super trip back to Aus.

My trusty double wheatgrass shot!

This is the micro claytonia and isn't it super cute? It's almost like a lilypad! Very mild in flavour but crisp, so it was totally snackable! I also got the chickweed and shungiku. The chickweed was also mild but you could still taste the vegetal flavour. The shungiku really did taste like carrots! How cool! I love discovering new vegetables! I wonder how weird I looked snacking on leaves out of a plastic bag just walking down the street XD

Chefs really do shop here! At Contra I had immediately recognised the herbs that I'd tasted at the beginning of my trip as ones from the farmer's markets here. And this looks like a chef trying to complete his purchases before all the crazy mise en place starts!

Ah look, someone has decided to challenge the chess player!

I tried exploring a bit more of Central Park, this time heading around the massive lake that sits in the middle.

But oh no! My eyes... my nose.... Hayfever struck! So close to the end of my trip too! I was sneezing quite badly, and I felt all puffy! I didn't think that I'd get hit by a New York spring like this, but I guess whatever I'm allergic to is all around the world.

So here's a break from flowers; it's a plane!

This was a little place called butterfly gardens. I thought it might be like Singapore airport's butterfly enclosure, but no, there were no butterflies here! Maybe they were all caterpillars right now. I didn't look too hard though, I just took this photo and continued on my way.

This was the conservatory garden. I think there was a fair bit that could be explored here, but I was on my way back home to prepare for yet another epic attempt at an EMP walk in.

Hello, geese!

Cool, you can do some fishing here too!

Hello turtle!!!

And that's the last shot for Central Park. What a lovely place, there are so many different parts to it and probably even more to explore!

So here's me camping out again at Madison Square Park, hanging out with the cute doggos till 5PM came around.

And then there were these two dogs. "Hey, lick me!" "ok" and the other dog's wondering what's going on. Curious human, too!

Aaaand I made it. I finally made it on my 3rd attempt. Am I crazy? Yeah I'm crazy. But like I said, if you can crazy here, you can crazy anywhere... ?!

So here's my second visit: the Eleven Madison Park walk in bar.

I think the realisation is starting to kick in, plus, I just can't get enough of the stripey smoke tower, so here's another shot of New York.

And here's my nostalgia hot dog. Farewell, New York hot dog carts. You're awesome, especially you $1 ones. This one cost me $3 because I said yes to everything the cart vendor offered XD

Well, now it was time to start wrapping this up. My adventure was about to end.

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Per Se

Per Se, the definition of traditional fine dining. Well, The French Laundry would be the ultimate goal, but any Thomas Keller restaurant is going to be of that calibre, that standard, that makes other chefs who they are.

This is also reflected in the fact that the famous blue doors of TFL are also present here, so I spent a few minutes, all dressed up, trying to get a good photo of myself, and of the doors, and then just being continually disppointed at how bad I looked! Lol! The staff waiting for us must have been mighty amused, because one of the waitstaff cheekily said that there was a 20 photo limit here, and I likewise responded with, "but what if I delete them and keep taking more!"

Wow. This place immediately feels more spacious than Eleven Madison Park, and for some unknown reason, also follows a stepped-level format - there's a slightly lower floor, and this upper floor after like, 4 stairs. How interesting, I wonder if it has something to do with the buildings themselves, or if there's a reason for this style.

Per Se, a high tech restaurant? No way! Are you serious, they have a digital wine list! What a great idea as a paper saving measure, though I kind of miss the massive phone book weighted stuff, like how Rockpool's wine list was just the biggest folder I've ever handled. This was quite easy to use, and it's always a good sign when the waitstaff breeze through this so easily to be able to guide you to certain pages.

Alas, there's no non alcoholic drink pairing here, but I was feeling special, so I decided to choose a nice red.

WOAH. ZALTOS! WHAT! Oh my goodness my dream has come true, I'm at a restaurant with these gorgeous Zalto stems I must be in heaven! This was a Rioja Alta 2009 Gran Reserva 904. I had mentioned that the barolo I saw on there was super tempting, but I also wanted to change the style of wine I drink and go for something super aged and mellowed out, instead of tannins that would potentially be very tongue-ripping halfway through. Good choice, this was very, very drinkable!

Some of the surroundings. You can see it overlooks Colombus Circle really nicely, and there's even a fireplace here! Wow!

And here's my drink posing with the fireplace. Cheers!

The starter starts out really strong! I mean, look at that plate! That is a big, bold, statement maker! Wow!

What a cute, super tiny little cone! I didn't catch exactly what this was, but afterwards I heard it mentioned at another table, so I think it's a kingfish tartare. It was delicious!

There were also some cheeky fancy cheese and biscuits!

More decor, this time the lamps because my friend noticed they were unusual. If you look really closely, those are actually laundry symbols. Another reference to their California home!

Oysters and Pearls - "Sabayon" of pearl tapioca with Island Creek oysters and Regiis Ova Caviar

Wow. Look. At. That. This is their classic dish, the one that's been on their menu since the beginning. That is a beautiful quenelle of caviar in very lovely cream! The oysters were so soft too, and the tapioca pearls were quite subtle and worked really well to acccent the caviar for me, as if it made the caviar have texture on top of flavour! Look at the massive mound of plates too. That's pretty insane. In fact, a lot of the plating here at the beginning reminds me a lot that restaurants put a lot of thought into their servingware, as haute cuisine should. It's just something nice and really enhances the entire experience!

Royal Ossetra Caviar - Pacific sablefish "rillettes", rye melba, slow cooked hen egg

So I had actually interpreted the menu incorrectly. I thought that the menu was presented in a way that there was the Oysters and Pearls, and that the Royal Ossetra Caviar was an optional course. My friend and the staff quickly clarified and explained that it was a choice of either or, and that was something we'd need to decide for a few dishes, so we decided to alternate in order to experience every item on the menu. It was the easiest way, but also the most expensive! This cost an extra $60!

Salt for the next course. There was a lot of salt choices! And the tiniest spoon I've ever seen! I don't even remember what all the different salts were, something smoked, something French, something charcoal, and so on! This was for my next dish, and next dish only.

Hudson Valley Moulard Duck Foie Gras - granny smith apples, celery branch "ribbons", Virginia peanut "butter" and greek yoghurt

The way these guys put parentheses around certain terms of the menu is pretty quirky, as if they know it's not actually what they've made, but that it's similar enough or meant to be of that style, that they've decided to quote it!

This foie gras was pretty spectacular looking because of how it;'s been wrapped. If you look really closely, that foie is actually wrapped in a green striped, very soft textured outside! I actually had no idea what that was, but the whole thing tasted pretty good!

This little bundle of bread was to be paired with the foie gras, and it was a warm flakey little bun. I broke off pieces of this bread, spread the foie on, and then tried out a few different salts. The salt was mainly to add texture, said my waiter, and that he himself preferred to not add the salt, but that it was all down to personal preference. I also believed it didn't need the extra salt, but adding salt didn't detract from the experience either.

Anyway, as I was enjoying my foie covered bread, I had waitstaff come along and TAKE AWAY my remaining bread, only to replace it with a brand new fresh warm one! What? "Foie gras and the bread taste best when the bread is warm!" they claimed. Oh, ok... if you say so. I tore a piece off this new bread, and enjoyed more foie gras on it, but I ate it a little quicker for fear of it cooling down again and THEY CAME ALONG AND TOOK IT AWAY AND GAVE ME A NEW ONE AGAIN. I couldn't win! I felt really bad because I was enjoying it anyway and it wasn't like the bread was getting cold? I thought it was kind of wasteful, and really didn't know what was going on with this. Maybe this is just the formal style so everything is just absolutely perfect because it had to be?

Green Walk Hatchery rainbow trout - green almonds and ramp top

Green almonds! So this is how you use them in cooking! And I love that there were ramps being served in this dish. Ramps are a garlicky type green that taste pretty amazing, and I got really excited because again, it's not something you see in Aus. The trout was pretty up there too. It actually reminded me a lot of Tetsuya's confit ocean trout, in terms of how soft and melty it was. The two are completely different though, so I'm not comparing, rather, it's just interesting to see what foods at what restaurants, trigger memories of other restaurants I'd been to. I really liked this dish!

Scottish Langoustines "A la Plancha" - razor clams. bomba rice, and "Piperade"

Yay langoustines! The base of this was a sort of risotto, and so I was a bit apprehensive as to whether or not I'd actually fully enjoy it, just because I find that I don't like risottos no matter how we'll they've been made. The langoustines felt a little over, but only because I've had an experience at Saint Peter where yabbies were so borderline *just* cooked that it's my benchmark for crustacea.

Bread and Butter - smoked paprika "Parker house roll" and Diane St Clair's animal farm butter

Bread course time! What a cute little soft bread. I love the flower shape, and it was designed in a way that made each "petal" easy to pull off. The butter was also really nice, but it was hard to see exactly how much butter there was in the dish. I think this one was a cultured butter, but I can't remember - I just know there was only one place I dined at that the "culturedness" was really prominent in the flavour. For some reason, when I saw this butter dish, I actually missed Sepia's perfect sphere of butter. I wonder why, could I be getting sentimental? I remember not really giving it much thought when I had it, but now, it just seems like it was a much more impressive shape to achieve!

Buttermilk fried Diamond H Ranch quail breast - cipollini onions, "soubise", California pistachios, and "sauce perigourdine"

Quail! I love quail! This was a cute little dish because it was essentially fried bird and onion, and it was a great combo! This one was cooked really nicely and I preferred it over the langoustine dish.

Elysian Fields farm "Collier d'Agneau" - caramelised green garlic, Piedmont hazelnuts, poached sultanas, and cauliflower "tapenade"

And the red meat dish. This was the standard option, while a sirloin of Miyazaki wagyu was the special option that cost an extra 100USD. Yeah. Imagine paying 100USD on top of the existing cost of the meal for a similar sized chunk of really, really good, fatty, lusciously melt in the mouth cow. Okay yeah it was also worth the money, and I liked it better than my lamb only after I got past the crust. Basically, I tried a bite of the outside of the wagyu, and it was like an ordinary steak, and I didn't think of it as anything too special. My initial reaction was, I felt that Japanese restaurants, like Waku Ghin prepared their beef far better. It wasn't until my friend reached the middle, where it was a nice and rare, that it became mindblowingly good. Woah. I had to take another taste and yes, now I see why it cost so much, it was definitely the elite level of deliciousness that I expected! Woooah definitely splurge on the wagyu if it's available!

The only comment I'll make about my lamb dish, in contrast, is that I'd been nursing my single glass of wine all the way through the dinner, since I can't pretty much at all without getting woozy. I knew that the last few sips would be perfect timing for my lamb, so I was getting excited to finish a glass, since I hadn't done that in ages.

Then along comes the waiter and he just tops up my glass! He refilled it back to almost a whole glass again! Oh no! He must have thought that I was stretching out a single drink, when in fact, I was just observing my own safety limits. Now I can't even say that I managed to finish a glass of wine here! I felt so bad! Ahahaha. I made an immense effort to drink as much as I could to do the wine justice, but I think I only made it to maybe 1.25 glasses worth before calling it a valiant effort.

Gougere - with aged Gruyere and black winter truffles

I actually only remember this as a "donut" and honestly, couldn't tell you if it was sweet or savoury, or if it had a filling, or anything about it, really. However, good thing I have a copy of the menu for reference and it totally makes sense now! This is the transition-from-savoury-to-dessert cheese course!

I also didn't realise it at the time, but this meant the meal represented both winter and spring, for featuring truffles and ramps in the same sitting. Is that a thing? Imagine instead of a restaurant going through four seasons in their menu, making eight seasons instead, the four main ones, and then special, fleeting sets between then main seasons for super inventive hybrid flavours! Maybe that's what chef's specials are for! Now that's an interesting thought!

Hibiscus poached rhubarb - Madagascar vanilla bean marshmallow, lemon posset, and candied citrus

K+M "Hacienda Victoria" Trifle - Persian lime "pate de fruit", spiced gosling's rum, and feuille craquante"

Honey-oat ice cream - blackcurrant "flapjack" and kumquat marmalade

Woooah what. Yeah, you just got spammed with pictures. You know why? Because we got spammed with food. All of the above came out at once. What???

That is literally how our table looked for desserts. Where do we even start???

I am actually not going to write this in the order that the photos display in. The captioned desserts are displayed this way because that's the order the menu has it. I will instead, write about them in the order I feel like it! Hopefully the descriptions are clear so that no one gets confused about which dessert I'm on about.

Firstly, the ice cream. Being ice cream, I felt it was the most sensible option. It was quite a nice cream and I liked the thick, sticky marmalade on the side. Not too bad, but I was here for speed more than anything else.

The trifle was next, which was actually really delicious and followed the cream, sponge, jelly format. I believe the cream was actually coconut flavoured which was nice and I totally wasn't expecting it!

The cappucino cup looked pretty cool, and it was an espresso semifreddo inside, to be paired with the donuts. I think I kept calling it the espresso or cappucino cup and I actually tried to see what happened when I tried to drink the foam, and didn't really get much success out of that haha. Gotta spoon that semifreddo!

Lastly, the posset. I'd actually forgotten that's what it was because they pronounced it "poss-ay", where as at Dinner by Heston, I asked how it was pronounced and they said "poss-set". Who was right?!?!?! What a mystery! Okay, I really liked this one. It had a marshmallow, and that marshmallow was so cute, I found it fun to eat! I also loved the fact that there's jelly on top, because I love jelly. I sound like such a kid right now, describing my love of marshmallows and jellies. There were even limey-gummies, the very tiny, green looking cubes. They were a firmer jelly than the hibiscus jelly, and added a really nice zing to the dish. That was definitely really nice. And, the lemon posset itself. Yes, such great lemon flavour! It's super tangy, just the way I like it! The actual lemon itself was similar to how Dinner by Heston made it, and in my mind, they were equal. That one was also fun because it was encased in a pastry that I was warned about that would crack suddenly. This, was more fun because it was pretty and I felt young because the elements included "candy" type preparations. While they were vastly different in technique, tradition and whatnot, I liked this one better. This was my favourite dessert here!

The macarons were super small, so I ate mine, but I kept the nougat since it was wrapped, so that I could enjoy it another day.

But wait, there's more! So many sweets! Lastly, the waiter came out with a massive wooden box that absolutely glowed with the shine on these truffles. There were several selections, of all different colours, each of them perfectly made and super glossy. It was hard to decide choosing a flavour! Crazy me, I ended up getting this one. It was a miso and shichimi pepper flavoured truffle, and woah, it was nice and actually also packed a small punch! It was like a chilli chocolate but one that I could tolerate and the flavours worked really well! I do like this, it was a different kind of chocolate experience!

For tea, they actually had a much more interesting selection than Eleven Madison Park. Okay, I can't really say, I actually think both menus contained pu-erh. But this one had a very old vintage, so I asked about it, and they said something about the tea being healthy. Oh. Do I look like someone who cares about being healthy? No way, I just wanted to know what a super aged pu-er tastes like! So I ordered this.

Did you know that that's a teapot that looks like it's the Jing brand? If so, you'd be right! When I saw it, I thought to myself, that looks like a Jing pot! So I looked underneath, and yep, as I guessed! I can't believe I spotted a brand of teapot by how it looks!

This was like no tea I've had before. This tea tasted mushroomy. Like deep, earthy, and strong. Wooah. That was a cool flavour I've never tasted before! I'm so glad I got to try this pu-erh!

The waiter also offered us a kitchen tour, which was pretty cool! I am not sure if all diners got this offer, but it might have been to do with a little intermission we had (read: bathroom break) and the waiter chatted to me about my holiday here, how long I was spending, where I was planning on eating at, etc. He gave me a few extra options - a restaurant (Gramercy Tavern), a steakhouse (Keen's Steakhouse) and bars (I don't really remember the bar one, something about a rabbit?), so I kept those in mind, though I didn't really plan on spending insane amounts of money after this restaurant and wanted to keep it low key (spoiler alert: famous last words. Or thoughts, in this case).

I also wondered if it had to do with how long we'd spent at the restaurant. We'd been here four hours already, maybe the table was actually somehow booked after us? We had a 5:30pm booking, so maybe in some kind of extreme case, this table was booked for 9:30? Would they even risk a double table like that? I am not sure how these restaurants operate, but if it was booked, it might explain the rush of desserts all at once. That also really confused me, but I also then started thinking about the skill of the restaurant and waitstaff for being able to control these situations without creating a sense of urgency. What if the offer of a kitchen tour was a completely artful way of making us speed up without even hinting that there was a time constraint? I will continue running all these conspiracy simulations through my mind!

And here's the bill. Ouch. Wow, ouch. That's some real ouch right there. That was a one thousand dollar bill! For two! What! It says $800 because Per Se requires a $100 deposit per person during booking, hence you have to add that to the final total. That's crazy! I think Eleven Madison Park clocked in maybe a couple of hundred dollars cheaper. Man, fine dining outside of Australia really is expensive!

However, it was a wonderful experience and I love that these guys also do handwritten bills. Definitely worth the cost if you take in absolutely everything about the place, and understand the significance of the Thomas Keller name.

Once that was settled, we got our kitchen tour! Wow, the dining area was so serene that there was only a low hum of conversation, but here in the kitchen, it was controlled chaos. You could feel the energy and urgency, with the chefs and expeditors and all these other staff coordinating with each other to make sure that each dish was plated perfectly, and ready at just the right time. Such a busy place, and you wouldn't know it from how well everything just works in the dining room!

As I was leaving, the most crazy thing happened. The maitre d' who'd initially joked about the 20 photo limit was here and spotted us leaving! He even checked in again and was like "did you stick to the limit????" and I was like... what if I don't tell you! Ahahaha. That was kind of a surprise moment and I was impressed he remembered!

Speaking of cheeky interactions, Per Se is the only restaurant that I've been to, that enforces a formal dress code. Like, guys must wear suits, and ladies to match. This level of grooming and dress up almost made me back out of the restaurant because it sounded so daunting and almost too... posh and stiff. However, the actual staff were nothing like that. They were relaxed and super friendly! I think the dress code more controls the type of people that come in, which sets a certain demographic and a real sense of "I am here for a purpose" which works with the restaurant's aesthetics. Don't be afraid of the dress code and take pleasure in dressing up and and having a great night!

Thanks Per Se for a great meal, and thanks for the morning-after care package of chocolate biscuits!

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