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The Fool, The Doctor, and the Girl with a Bazooka

Hey it's been an extremely long time since I posted a dream! This one was a pretty good one so I figure I'd better post it.

It started out with the feeling of being hunted. I was in a hotel room maybe? I knew people were after me, but I didn't know why. While trying to evade my pursuers, a man who looked remarkably like the Fool came along to help me. He had a plan, and so we kept distance from people with sticks quite successfully.

As we were hoping to make an escape, we saw a girl with a very large, long weapon. The thing that came into my mind was a bazooka, even though it didn't quite look like a rocket launcher. It looked more like a staff with possibly a blade or blunt and heavy weight at the bottom. But also it looked a bit like the Reignbreaker? It was wrapped up which is why I can't really confirm what it might have been. But brain said bazooka, because of Bazooka Donut (aka Atomic Tortilla). Yeah, she had an anime face. Like Vocaloid. Yep, Mike has influence in my sleep now too!

Anyway, now that the enemy had a ranged weapon, we could no longer stay alive just by keeping out of range - now they could shoot us from anywhere! We had to change our strategy, so we ran...

We eventually hit a dead end and the Fool realised we had to make a stand. It was now or never. We were in a busy road and there was a sofa, he came up with a plan that I would hide under a mattress under the sofa, and that would keep me safe. He then momentarily disappeared, before re-appearing, saying that he time travelled to make sure that people would have a parade on this very road every Wednesday (hence he momentarily also was The Doctor?). Yeah, my brain really did think "a parade every Wednesday", and since today was a Wednesday (which it actually was since I had this dream Tuesday night???), we would be safe for today since we were hidden amongst the crowd.

And that is the story of how we survived.

The end!

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New toys

A fancy BBQ! I hope I can figure out how to light charcoal! Should be an interesting experience...

Shiny really nice blue Audio Technica ATH-G1 :)

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Art, Random Art, Random

Cactus flowers

These pictures come with an interesting story.

I started using the bike track where I live when lockdown happened this year, and I used it to jog. At first, struggling and sore lungs after 100m, and then eventually being able to run about 3km! I've still been regularly jogging along this path, and now cycling along it too!

This path is quite interesting, throughout my jogs along this path, I've encountered mystery fruit - a melon/cucumber type fruit from a vine long dead but the fruit still looked fresh. Roadside watermelons too, which looked nice and then disappeared the next day, so I guess someone harvested them. I also started noticing that geraldton wax grows along the path and I took a bit as flowers for home, and other people were doing that too.

Then, three weeks ago, I was on the train (which runs parallel to the bike track) when I saw a couple of people taking photos of a random plant on the path. I'd thought to myself, they look like tourists taking photos of plants! And then thought nothing more of it.

I opted to walk back for whatever reason, and as I was walking, I stopped. Something compelled me to stop, and it was the huge ugly cactus plant. It had always been just an ugly cactus plant with super long death spikes, but now, it was flowering! I realised then, that I was in the same spot as the people I saw earlier - and this is what they were taking photos of.

The flowers were so beautiful that I also took photos with my phone, and understood why the people stopped to take photos of it in the first place.

I then continued to see other people stop and take photos. It seems when something is so pretty, it really does cause people to stop and appreciate it! I found that very cool. However, my phone camera just didn't do it justice. I needed to do an actual photoshoot with my proper camera.

It just so happened today I had my camera and was travelling along the path, and there was shade, meaning I wouldn't get harsh sunlight in my photos as much. And at last, I got my photoshoot.

How gorgeous are the flowers? And I love that the bees are so busy too!

It had crossed my mind that maybe I could somehow take a leaf, if I could find away to tackle the death spikes, but I was worried too - even if I could propagate a leaf, would it ever flower? How would it grow? As randomly and ugly as the one here, or could I "train" it to grow a certain way? Would it even be happy?

I think I'd best not touch it. I think the beauty comes from the fact that it usually is just an unassuming ugly mangled spikey death cactus on the side of the path, and so when it flowers, everyone sees it - and that's the way it needs to be. The wonder would be lost if I took took a leaf home... or would it help recall the memory of today?

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