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April Post!

What a lame title but I feel like I should have a blog entry every month.

Been doing lots, and not posting anything! I should talk about the dream where I was an assassin's sidekick but all I wanted to do was visit a cafe. Single O appears lots in my dreams for some reason, could it be that it's my one true cafe love?

I also managed to set my BBQ on fire which was interesting, and extremely not fun to clean!

Hopefully I can post more in May, but we'll see!

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Into the Breach victory!

Camila is my favourite pilot, but I accidentally let her die in an earlier playthrough. In levelling her up again, I managed to get a super lucky set of equipment and pilots, and so my first 4 island win felt so breezy!

Should I try hard mode now? lol

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FTL victories!

Ok, the Shrike is awesome. So awesome!

I'd forgotten how incredible the pre-igniter is, and it turns out in phase 3 you only need a level 1 stealth to be able to handle the power surge. Plus, Lanius boarding crew is so fun!

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Houseplant family photo

I hope the elephant ear plant is okay, I only bought it a couple of weeks ago and it's dropping leaves faster than it's sprouting them. I attribute it to transplant shock, so we'll see if it recovers.

My ZZ plant is really not doing well though. One of the two stems is dead, so I figure if it's diseased, the second one is also dead. If they don't do anything I might need to just count it as a loss and start again (with a more developed plant; I deliberately bought the baby version but now I'm thinking it wasn't such a good idea, and right now the shops have bigger ones).

Good news is, the lemon plant I bought dropped its first set of baby leaves, but now it's growing more leaves, so I think it's recovered from transplant shock and also now it's used to the windy and sunny conditions on my balcony :D

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