Nier: Automata
Is absolutely terrible to play on PC. But hey, at least now I have a PC that can run it! My 11 year old laptop was not coping at all.
It's a fun game, but the controls on PC are awful. Even after installing a camera mod, I still get motion sickness when playing. At least it's pretty!
And this quest lol. It's ridiculous.
New computer, table, and accessories coming along nicely!
Finally, a super powered computer! And here's me giving terrarium making a go after not having made any since living in Adelaide.
I'd found an elkhorn fern, but then later i found a bigger one for cheaper so now I have two?! And I wanted a ferny-fern and it was the perfect time to bring out an old jar I'd kept. I underestimated the size of the fern so it's too big for the jar, but it still looks good!
I really am going to become a crazy plant lady...
A e s t h e t i c
I love the colour of the floorboards when the sun fills the room! Too bad it will be filled with furniture and stuff. And my plants are doing well! My umbrella plant was infested and sad for a long time, but has sprouted 2 sets of new leaves! Very happy to see it healthy again.
My ginger plant is also sprouting new shoots which is cool! And my lemon plant seems to have recovered from massive leaf dropping, and is now sprouting new branches everywhere!
A fun kitchen with breakfast bar! I still have to figure out what I want to put on the shelves though...
The thing about milk
Today at the shops, I noticed that Made By Cow has a second range out now. Their original release was pure jersey milk, but now they have one with a blue label.
What was interesting is that it was obviously different, but how so?
I read all of the label but I couldn't seem to find any additional information about it, and it became a game of spot the difference. Finally, I noticed right at the bottom of the front label that is doesn't say jersey - it just says milk. Aha! So this is their "normal" cow range. But here's the plot twist: Made By Cow's own label doesn't specify the type of cow, but interestingly, the shop's price label said "FRIESN".
This reminds me of a conversation I had with friends not too long ago where some of them were saying how not all milks upset their stomach, but they weren't sure why. Again, I realised how little we know about the food we consume. A2 milk has been a thing for a long time but do people actually know what it means? It's just a different cow. Why don't we sell milk by cow type? Yes it's about maximising yield so you get mostly holstein milk with a small range of jersey, but there's nothing else. Let's generalise that even further - why are supermarkets still so boring? I want my french breakfast radishes, pine mushrooms, and lilly pillies.
Anyway... I like Baristart Coffee because they serve milk by cow breed.